Not meaning to sound sexist : In general are women more emotional/feel good about religion,and men more proof/doctrinal in their acceptance ?

by smiddy 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • villagegirl

    Accepting women as intellectual and spiritual and social equals is

    practically impossible for many men, these men tend to have little education.

    Thinking women are inferior is the mindset of men who like to think

    of themselves as "spiritual men". There are comments on this site about women

    "not being able to understand the deep things of God" How Taliban !!

    These men really do believe women are inferior to men. I remember

    when the WT used to try to use examples of "nature" birds and animals
    to demonstrate the inferior position of women.

    When in fact in animals of all sorts
    the females often rule and lead.

    And in many species sex is interchangeable in that
    the creature can be male the first half of its life and female the last half.

    Parthenogenesis is a process by which females reproduce young without the fertilization
    from any male, and this works in mammals also. All that is required is for the egg to split
    and it will begin to develop another individual, this can be done by piercing the egg with
    an instrument in a petri dish. In other words men are no relevant to reproduction at all.

    The history of women and their suppression is so recent, even in the "advanced" Western cultures, evidence by the fact that as recently as the nineteen sixties 1960's women were not accepted into MIT ( famous technical school for the uneducated males here ) or most engineering schools

    or even the I.vy League universities, ( that would be Yale, Harvard ? )to compete alongside men.

    When they were finally let in they exceeded the men in all areas of study.

    So this is what they had feared for so many hundreds of years ?

    I think what happens when a man has the belief that women are inferior, he marries a woman of
    lower intelligence and little education to convince himself all women are limited. He dumbs down his own life.
    I noticed many women in KH who liked the dumbed down roles they were in, as if it "protected" them.

    Being "taken care of" in a limited life worked for some, who like to be useless, but for single women and mothers
    having no skills or education led only to grinding poverty, which was worn like a badge of virtue in KH

  • cofty
    Parthenogenesis is a process by which females reproduce young without the fertilization
    from any male, and this works in mammals also. All that is required is for the egg to split
    and it will begin to develop another individual, this can be done by piercing the egg with
    an instrument in a petri dish. In other words men are no relevant to reproduction at all

    You may want to read up a bit more on sexual reproduction v cloning.

    Males and females are equal but different.

    Responding to misogyny with misandry is equally silly.

  • villagegirl

    Cofty -YOU may want to take some university level courses in Biology.

    Prthenogenisis is NOT cloning it occurs naturally is some species.

    Silly - is thinking you have "knowledge" when you have none.

    How many years did you personally attend an accredited university ?

    This information was part of a course I took as part of my bachelor degree from

    the University of California. I also attended Simon Fraser Unversity.

    And your qualifications would be ? The males in the WT and especially the "elders"

    have about as much education as the avaergar TALIBAN. Thats not an indictment

    against all men. Its a statement about what ignorance and arrogance the WT men exhibit.

  • villagegirl

    How many men here have a university education in ANY science ??

    Anyone ?? Raise of hands - ??? So - noone ? Chemistry degree?

    Biology degree? Physics degree ? anything ?

  • prologos

    Vllage Girl: belated congratulations for your graduating form your two alma mater.

    Would you please respond to Coftie's objection about cell- splitting in mammal reproduction with technical terms so we can all learn.

    Could Mary, the fiance' of Joseph have pulled that off? with one of the identical twins mis-carrying?

    By trying to out-posture men*, you will of course not endear your self to them. They'd rather be amazed to see you perfect your lipstick application in your rear view mirror at the stop light, and then -- be truly in AWE, as you show them your profound understanding (in the agreed setting an manner).

    * males do posture to establish status in non-lethal manners. The apostles did, on several occasion without resorting to disfellowshipping, shunning procedures, unlike some WT BtS appointees.

    remember as we do, you are not a failed man, you are part of the Better half of humanity , the improved, more complete version of ue men, I mean, look at our breasts.

    In matters religious, when judged, at least YOU can plead that it was given to you to add the beauty, the warmth, the caring element and were not responsible for supporting the failed, balled-up, messed up doctrine works of the duly appointed annointed males.

  • cofty

    This thread and the other one has exposed a level of misandry.

    Villagegirl - your blanket condemnation of JW males is ignorant prejudice. If any man said that about all JW women and ex-Jw women they would rightly be condemned for misogyny.

    If you are going to condemn people for a lack of education you might want to sort out your spelling.

    prologos - Humans like most mammals have an XY sex-determination system so any offspring produced by parthenogenesis would be female.

    Parthenogenesis is the same as cloning with the exception of those species where meiosis occurs.

  • TD

    Women as a general demogaphic group are more religious than men and there are reams of literature in psychology on the subject. The most common explanations for the phenomenon revolve around the strength of the social connection, differences between women and men in long range vs. short range goals and risk taking and greater involvement among women in child rearing.

    Whether this affects interest in doctrine or not (i.e. An empirical vs. a rational basis for faith) I have no idea.

  • villagegirl

    Cofty- Misandry ? Big word for you. So any woman who OBJECTS to being "in subjection" and refused access to leadership roles must therefore Hate men? I take it back the TALIBAN may be more capable of reason than you are. I suppose when black people objected to apartheid in South Africa and slavery in the USA they were just exhibiting "hateful attitudes" ? I am a mother and a grandmother Cofty, demonstrating in real terms, my intimate association with a man and I have two grand sons. I have a brother, a father ( who is a scientist and was a professor ) All these are men. I object to pseudo-intellectuals in the WT who think they are "doing research" by looking up things on Wikipedia and who talk down to women, and say things like "women don't understand the deep things of God" these specific men are simply absurd in their ignorance. Real education involves being around the educated, going to real libraries, laboratories, writing, creating original work and being challenged by debate and by criticism. I respect men of real learning, men who have worked hard to aquire real skills and who contribute to their communities, such men are not lording it over women, these men are open to making new opportunities for women, in all levels of society including empowering women in their places of worship. The WT society is the opposite of enlightenment. They are so arrogant of their use of God's name, and in the end they will be the ones who say, " Lord, Lord didn't we prophesy in your Name? " And He will say " Get away from me you workers of lawlessnes I never knew you at all"

  • 2+2=5

    Did you take offense to something villagegirl?

  • Glander

    That's the spirit, V-Girl !

    No emotional wimmin here!

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