Double Standard re: Baptism

by lostinnj83 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lostinnj83

    I was speaking to my mother earlier this week, and she was mentioning about someone in her hall that was in the hospital. This person was never mentally "present" even prior to getting baptized. My mom said out of the blue "why would they allow someone who is mentally incoherent to make such a serious commitment as baptism?"

    What gets me is how she could ask that question when she allowed me to get baptism well under the age of 13!!! I wanted to respond so badly and say well its for the same reason that they allow children who are not of legal age to get baptized but I held my tongue!

    It's really unbelieveable how she can see one thing as being wrong but not the other!

  • akafreelife

    I remember my nephew was baptized at a VERY young age. He was so good in the ways of the truth. Poor kid never had a chance. He has since left the organization.

  • Phizzy

    Surely you can discuss this with your mother in a detached way, but still plant some seeds ? even let your own feelings be known to a degree :

    "You know Mom, I feel I really was too young to know what I was doing" you can always soften it a bit by adding something like "of course I realise the importance of baptism now" if you feel the need.

    But that may pave the way for you to discuss that JW's actually seem to think only baptised persons will survive Armageddon, then ask "but don't you feel like me Mom, that a God of Love will only destroy those so evil that they deserve death, baptised or not ?"

  • lostinnj83

    @Phizzy- yes if my mom was reasonable I could softly say those things to her but i did mention to her years ago about being way to young to be baptized and she called me a few days later and said I thought about what you said, and perhaps you should consider "rebaptism"


  • perfect1

    perhaps you should consider "rebaptism"

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    LostOnNJ83>>>>>(((((Hugs))))) to you Girl. It is an impossible dream for some of us to have moms you can talk to and share life with. I too was 13. Dumb. (Shaking head. Face palm.)

    Just Lois

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    yes it is rediculous

    if you presented a 'bible study' to the elders for baptism, and that person although an adult was mentally 12 they would put a stop to it (I HOPE)


  • DesirousOfChange

    What gets me is how she could ask that question when she allowed me to get baptism well under the age of 13!!! I wanted to respond so badly and say well its for the same reason that they allow children who are not of legal age to get baptized

    LOST: Your statement could not be more true!!

    I too was baptized so young. I finally rationalized that I had "grown into" my dedication. Yes there were sincere periods of doubt WAY back then. But I managed then to get past the doubts and become a GUNG HO JDub.

    Now I know it's a Ponzi scheme. To late to do much more than avoid "damage control" -- or face the facts when that becomes necessary.


  • kurtbethel

    There is more than a double standard. There is at least a triple standard.

    I was discussing baptism with my JW and I asked that if someone hap been baptised in a Christian church, would their baptism be recognized at the Kingdom hall as valid.

    No, they would have to get baptized there too.

    Why not?

    The Christian church is part of babylon the great so baptism there is not valid.

    Oh, okay. Well then if they were married by babylon the great, and babylon the great does not do valid ordinances that God recognizes, then they must get married again when they become a JW, right?

    Well no, they don't.

    But you told me that they must get baptised because God doesn't recognize when babylon the great does religious ordinances, so logically they would not be able to perform a legitimate wedding, which is ordained by God, and the couple would be living in sin. So why don't they have to get married when they become a witness, but they must become baptised? Don't you see the inconsistency of this?

    Blah blah blah [irrational lengthy babbling non answer]

    [Me thinking] This is irrational corrupt craziness and I really don't want to associate with these people as it would be corrosive to my sanity.

  • lostinnj83

    @Kurtbethel- I never thought it that way! But it makes total sense!

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