JWN is my New Congregation...LOL!

by SophieG 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    Oh no! I've been offline for a few days!!!

    problematic..awwww big hug! I see you,

    Oh I think it would be hilarious is there was a clearing house for Xjws pcards AND blood cards!

  • gma-tired2

    I started out wanting to comment onSophieG post and on flippers, they both expressed themselves so well and I also these peoples personalities. I love everyone can have and show their true selves. Two months ago I told my daughter I never got to know and develop my true self. I was shocked that I can even speak up and let people tp know I think i know by PM- I would have kept in my corner and kept wondering when I was at a KH.

  • gma-tired2

    I promise Im not drunk just trying to use this new tablet. I love that everyone can have their true personalites and be their true selves. I hope that makes it a little clearer

  • sabastious
    you and I won't be judged as inadequate here

    ...unless you preach about God. Then you're singled out by a certain ilk of posters and neutralized while everybody watches, takes sides and eats popcorn. If you don't have hard scientific evidence for an extraordinary assertion, you are singled out and laughed out of town. It's sad because it's all caused by just a handful of bad eggs that are given free reign. Without them this would be a tranquil place of healing for all instead of only some. The Watchtower creates a refugee situation and this place is supposed to be safe harbor for them. It is a great help to many, but there are improvements that could be made.


  • EdenOne

    .... and until James Woods left, there were even 'forum elders' enforcing their self-righteous views upon everyone else. Yep, it's a virtual Kingdom Hall ...

    Welcome :)


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