The pope helped me punk a few dub brains

by scary21 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • scary21

    Since the pope stepped down and is in the news, Thought I would pull a little joke. Called my ex who is a born in, not baptized, but still has dub brain. ME " Did you hear about the pope stepping down today ?

    HIM " Yes

    ME " Yeah and I also heard he was down in Cuba meeting with the officials. Yeah he set a table and was signing bibles. can you

    believe it, signing bibles WOW "

    HIM ' Wow unbelieveable who does he think he is ? That's terrible.. You know they believe he has direct communication with God.

    ME " Yes, but it wasn't the pope. It was the GB of JW

    HIM ' No way they would NEVER do that.

    HA ha ha lmao

    So I call my daughter dub brain (not as much as the ex ) same reaction

    Next I called my JW mom, same reaction........but a few min. later she was saying it wasn't so bad after all

    Everyone should try this while the pope is in the bad Watchtower May 15 1999 Second article pg 7-9

    Scary Sherry

  • LostGeneration

    Nice work...

    Sometimes you can do that if you get the "nu lite" on the board here first, drop it on them and then direct them to a new watchtower showing how things are changing. I did it once and got the same lame kind of justification.

  • scary21

    Yes I was thinking that. If it wasn't for this board ( and the pope lol ) I could not have done this. How would I know about a Watchtower mag. from14 years ago .It was just sooooo funny hearing them dog the pope when I knew they were really dogging the GB. Too funny, too sad.

  • scary21

    So only one person, lost generation , thought this was worth a comment. I really thought this was very telling with the JW Hypocrisy.

    I wish other people on this board would have tried their own little experiment. I guess we are not on the same page.

    Oh well, I tried to contribute.

  • BabaYaga

    Tell me about the GB member signing bibles. Is that an actual occurance?

  • clarity

    Awww Scary .... probably dinner time home from school,

    never know. It is not you....ok, that was a good idea and it worked!


    Hang in there .... just a shift change kind of thing.

    People just going to bed, others just getting up!

    all the best


  • clarity
  • scary21

    Yes, there is a picture of 3 GB members signing bibles in cuba. The article talks about them meeting with the public officials.

    It's in the Watchtower May 15, 1999. You can do a search on this site.......someone posted the picture. Everything I said was true,only I said it was the pope instead of the GB. When they thought I was talking about the pope doing it.......he was a horrible person for doing such a thing. They went on and on and on puting him down. He didn't write the bible, how DARE he do such a thing ! Since the pope is so much in the news lately, it was an easy lead in. I was amazed that they could see how wrong it was. ( But not for them ) That is totally Dub brain in it's finest form.


  • scary21

    LOL Yes Clarity but two days is quite a long time.......ty for your reply...I feel a little better .

    Thanks for the clickable link......

  • Eustace

    Well done, scary21.

    The JWs actually have some good ideas in their hearts about how a religious leader should act. They just can't see that the Governing Body are making a mockery of their beliefs because they've been brainwashed by the fear of punishment into practicing thought stopping when it comes to these kinds of issues.

    You broke through that thought stopping, at least temporarily, in a really smart way. Hopefully it will teach them some humility.


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