by DATA-DOG 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    For any active Jehovah's Witness that says

    They didn't lie because they were convinced it was the truth at that time

    Look at the history of the WTS and ask yourself

    what is he likely hood that what the WTS teach today

    will become " UNTRUE " in the future wit the application of " NEW LIGHT "


    Ask yourself again : How do you convince folks to believe this mess


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    But 1874 and 1914 are still critical Biblical events...

    NO, they are NOT biblical events in ANY way, shape, or form. "Biblical" events were recorded in the bible, which was completed shortly after Christ.


    My new philosophy is: If someone starts giving dates, run... There is no such thing as Bible Chronology. The Bible NEVER gives any dates, and for good reason. People go ga-ga over trying to figure dates out, and there is no point. Look at Russel. He went nuts-o over trying to figure out dates. He just forgot his place. Pyramidology?!?!? Come on.. Would it it be fun to travel around and learn about ancient structures? Yes, I would love to do that! Do I like to think about aliens being a possibility? Yes! It's fun! Do I start a religion and make Billions of of my speculations and demand that others agree or I will destroy their families?! NO..

    The WTBTS never learned their lesson because they are haughty. They believe they are a Queen who will never see defeat or shame. They don't set dates anymore, they are just more cunning and dishonest. They hide their real history of date setting. They go further by persecuting anyone who just wants to be honest. History is important, but endlessly debating unknowns is pointless.

  • wasblind

    On page 62 in the proclaimers book the WTS wrote about A.H. MacMillans

    failed prediction

    Where he told folks In Saratoga Springs a bunch of lies ( Wit conviction )

    two days later back in Brooklyn he was forced to eat those words

    Um hmn .........I love how the WTS re-worded Gettin' his ass laughed under the table

    as only a " Good natured teasing "

    I must say. The WTS has had a lot of practice lookin' in the face of ridicule

    Even from their own


  • Larsinger58

    DATA: My new philosophy is: If someone starts giving dates, run... There is no such thing as Bible Chronology.

    ROFL! That's the chicken way out because Bible chronology is complex. But remember, the true understanding was a secret to be sealed up until the end-times (Daniel 12:4 " “And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”)

    So now that we're here during the end-times, the CHRONOLOGY in the Bible is now understood by the elect, not that anyone like yourself who doesn't believe in chronology is paying attention. Here is just a few of the corrections:

    1. The "7 times" prophecy which JWs understand to be 2520 years from the fall of Jerusalem to the 2nd coming is an accurate interpretation. The only thing wrong is that the dates for the NB period were revised by the Persians and so the fall of Babylon in 539 BCE is an inaccurate date, the date upon which the WTS bases its ancient timeline for Babylon. This though has now been corrected by the VAT4956 which is an astronomical text created as a diary, with over a hundred references that match the revised chronology, but provides a context for placing lunar observations from the original chronology. Thus all the lines in the text match 568 BCE for year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar. But there are "errors" in the text in Lines 3 and 14 which do not match 568 BCE. But they are from the same lunar cycle and thus not a mistake -- these had to be deliberately placed in the text. But why? Obviously to date back to the original timeline. If so, then year 511 BCE must be considered the original year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar. In that case, year 19, the fall of Jerusalem, occurs in 529 BCE. That means the date of the second coming must occur in 1992.

    2. The "1335 days" prophecy. This basically dates the 2nd coming 45 years after the end of the trampling of the Jews, that is, the end of their tribulation for having left God's covenant. When that occurs, they come out of exile and are reestablished into their "promised land." This ends the symbolic 1290 days. The Jews came out of exile when the gentile times ended on November 30, 1947. We can thus use 1947 to date the second coming 45 years later. But note, it is the same date as #1 above! 1290 + 45 = 1335. 1947 + 45 = 1992

    See? Bible chronology works pefectly when you have the right information.

    But, everybody is not smart enough or focussed enough to deal with ancient history or chronology. For instance, both the Bible and Josephus claim that the 70 years of exile and servitude begin in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar and end in the 1st of Cyrus. This contradicts the popular Neo-Babylonian timeline by 26 years ! That is, the bible's NB Period is 26 years longer than the current records. The average person then draws a blank here and stops in their tracks like a deer caught in the headlights. They go no further, ask no more questions. But the obvious issue is that one of these references are incorrect. When we start to investigate, though, we find the records now in place do not come from the NB Period at all, but were "copies" (i.e. revisions) from the Persian Period. One document is dated during the reign of Darius II. So we not only know there were revisions, we know who made those revisions, the Persians, who also employed Greek historians like Herodotus and Xenophon to spread historical propagana among the Greeks. Yet, it seems not to occur to a lot of scholars why Greeks are suddenly writing history of the Persians. It's propaganda.

    But now we have several ways to correct this timeline. From a Biblical point of view, for instance, the "70 weeks" prophecy is our best chance at getting some "absolute" dating for the NB Period. Even CO Jonsson says that Cyrus should have sulfilled this prophecy and began the "70 weeks" because it begins with the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Martin Anstey clearly came to that conclusion in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" where he first noticed that the Persian Period was 82 years too long in comparison to the Bible. But few follow this reference.

    But if you date the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE, the year even JWs begin this prophecy based on Jesus' baptism in 29 CE, then indeed, the Persian period is 82 years too long, combined with the NB Period being 26 years too short. But you can easily apply this to the reign of Nebuchadnezzar since the 1st of Cyrus is exactly 70 years after the last deportation, year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar. Just add 70 to 455 to get 525 BCE for year 23. that means year 19 falls in 529 BCE, which is now confirmed by the VAT4956 and other astronomical diaries created during the Seleucid Period to preserve secret references to the original timeline. So even the Bible would date the 2nd coming in 1992.

    But, now that we have the correct understanding -- does it work! That is, did Jesus really return in 1992. The answer is YES! He returned on December 25, 1992, just as prophesied by the CHRONOLOGY.

    So contrary to some's thinking, Bible chronology does indeed exist and it does indeed work, but only if you have the correct information. When you do, it works out perfectly and is perfectly fulfilled.

  • Heartofaboy


  • Finkelstein

    Don't mind Lars, he has a screw lose as you can tell.

  • 2+2=5

    Sent you a pm D Dog

  • jhine

    I understand that witnesses were "encouraged" to sell houses , cars etc , cash in insurance policies and donate the monies to the Watchtower . If the GB were not sure about '75 why did they let this happen ?

    Does anyone know if all the "donations " were returned when it became obvious that Armageddon wasn't on for that year ? I spoke to a younger witness a few months ago about false prophecy and she didn't know about the encouragement given to people to make these grand gestures , and she was quite sure that the Watchtower being the honest org. that it is would refund any donations made on the expectations for '75.

  • Finkelstein

    If the GB were not sure about '75 why did they let this happen ?

    As the poster Terry mentioned the calculation of 6000 years was done previously before by the WTS.

    It is NOT a possible calculation to make in all honesty by use of the bible.

    Why did they propagate this date/year because it was commercially advantageous.

    To heighten the urgency of Armageddon proved its worth in expanding the proliferation of the WTS. published literature.

    Not only in attracting attention from the public in readership but also to promote the distribution by the WTS. door to

    service work. Dishonesty paid off for the Watchtower Corporation.

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