Gentile Times Reconsidered PDF free from publisher

by wannabefree 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Larsinger58

    Lars: Those are the briefest posts I’ve ever seen you make…and the most understandable.

    I hear you. Thanks for the feedback. But this will be short-lived!

    Sometimes I really try and make posts short and concise, but before I know it... it rambles on into eternity! (tee hee)

    But just between you and me, even Jehovah makes fun of me and my long posts. When the Bible speaks of Christ striking the nations with the LONG sword of his mouth (Rev. 2:16). The "long" reference being that of someone very wordy. Unfortunately, I'm not a conventional writer and most who try to speed read through the posts, perhaps just noting the first sentence, get confused. I tend to bury the main points I want to make in the middle of long paragraphs, rather than at the beginning. oh well.....

    So ironically, part of the torment of being corrected are my rambling posts which even the Bible sort of makes fun of by liking my long posts to a "long" sword. I think I write presuming a peson is dumb or smart about something and I'm often wrong. People complain.

    Have a great day! I've got to get out of here and go do my daily gambling!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    wannabe free

    Thanks for checking that out. Sorry about the issue but I think when people have done so much to help JWs and ex-JWs we need to respect that and includes their copyrighted work

    When I did the review of Take Back Your Life I had to deal with one of the authors and the publisher. I saw a mention that Carl does not want his email address on the internet. I can understand that. Therefore we would need to go through other people as in this case.

    It is always best to check before we all jump on something only to find out we have broken the law. For so,e ex-JW this might be what helps them survive life outside the JWs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have replaced the direct link

  • wannabefree

    Gentile Times Reconsidered 4th edition

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