Who Do You Think The "Two Witnesses" In Revelation Are?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Elijah and Moses appeared to Jesus during the transfiguration. Who better to appear and preach to the unbelieving World? I heard Greg Laurie mention the "Angels Preaching" to mean possible angels preaching in all those areas we can't get to. We all have ideas, I can't the Two Witnesses would be part of a group by corrupt men, why would Jehovah use unclean men like Russell and Rutherford and Knorr to preach his Holy Word?

    The Two Witnesses will be something special, people with irreproachable names, not part of the Crazy 8 Gang of Bethel!

    Lars58 might be right too, time will tell!


    None of this sounds plausible to me.

    Best to chase up the smoking caterpillar theory.

  • Zordino

    Donnie and Marie Osmond?

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Be Nice You Two! Your dating yourself Zordino! Only a few of us remember "The Donny and Marie Show", I won't say anything if you dont!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia
  • Fernando

    Jesus and the gospel message (prophesy) about him?

    Since both are the arch enemies of religion (Babylon)?

    Can't be though since Rev11:8 describes Jesus as lord of the two witnesses.

    Yet it feels as if the two witnesses are symbolic rather than literal...

    Would love to know...

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Fernando, that's the beauty of it all! If it's symbolic or literal, who would be of a high moral caliber able to testify the Gospel Message the figurative of literal Witnesses must do. They are killed and brought back to life, the whole world is able to see this happen. We have the tech to view Two Witnesses who preach during the time of the Anti Christ or Wild Beast, to die and come back to life!

    I can't follow wild ideas Freddy Franz wrote in his "Truth or Dare Revelation Book", one of my youngest told me "I do not understand how John of Patmos could be referring to some Jehovah Witness Assembly Pledge against something". If our young children can see through the manifestations of religious mental masterbation (Freddy Franz as the Master), why can't we break out and think of new ideas? I think Jehovah and Jesus Christ are not happy with the conduct of Judge Rutherford and his drinking habit during "Prohibition Period" he broke the law and lied!

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