Books that make you go hmm....

by jgnat 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I took a dope test, and I realy am a dope !

    I endorse the books listed above that I have read, and will add the others to my reading list, I trust you guys !

    A book I have read recently that was more affirming than changing, but explained a lot, was Selina O'Grady's "And Man Created God" it explains how various nations and empires used their god's, or those of people they conquered, to their advantage. YHWH gets a mention.

    She traces the evolution of belief through the Roman Empire, and its neighbours, Persia and Kushan and India and the rise of Christianity.

    She also has much to say on the Chinese empire, which really lacked god's in a way, her writing has given me an insight in to the Chinese mind and culture that I would not have had. An informative read.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Cool thread!

  • EdenOne

    The Fear of Insignificance, by Carlo Strenger, is a great book.

    Also Anthony Pagden's Worlds At War - the Long Struggle Between East and West, for those inclined to history.


  • soft+gentle

    I'm reading a great book at the moment and it definitely makes me go hmm...

    The Rhetoric of the Body from Ovid to Shakespeare by Lynne Enterline. This book is a great read if only for its lengthy discussion of Apollonion narcissism and misogny of which Apollo himself is often blissfully unaware in Ovid.

  • Inisc

    Predictably irrational by Dan Ariely

    its a fascinating insight into the way we think and why and what shapes our psyche.

    Really helped me to start actually thinking and using my mind after leaving the org.

  • Mum

    The book that gave me the courage to think for myself and leave the JW's was "Your Erroneous Zones" by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

    Another great one is "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer. It explains why people join collective movements, such as feelings of inadequacy and the need to be part of something bigger than themselves.

    I also recommend "The Art of Racing in the Rain" which is narrated by the family dog. Dog lovers have to read this one!



  • jgnat

    Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Jul 1, 2008)

    Mum, the play of dog gets an honorable mention in Flow, too. Thank you for reminding me.

  • Mum

    Here's a play I recommend. It's "Rhinoceros" by Eugene Ionesco, a work of the French "theater of the absurd." It was written as an anti-Nazi worik, but it applies to all groupthink movements.



  • jgnat

    Let's not forget required reading for the exiting JW:

    Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz (Jun 2002) (hard to get at the moment) I have not read it, personally. I hear it has a deep impact on Witnesses because his approach is humble, kind. I suspect it would have less impact on me because I do not have the shared experience.

    Animal Farm by George Orwell (Dec 31, 2009) Some animals are more equal than others.

    Combatting Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults... by Steven Hassan (Oct 1, 1990) I recommend this to those who have loved-ones in the WTS, to learn some critical do's and don'ts. Save you lots of time and heartache.

  • cofty

    The Better Angels of our Nature - Steven Pinker

    A study of the history of violence and the civilising process, it demolishes the old canard that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. We live in the best of times.

    Life Ascending - Nick Lane

    Jaw-dropping journey of the greatest inventions of evolution.

    The Great War for Civilisation - Robert Fisk

    A history of the Middle East by a British war correspondent with a lifetime of experience. He interviewed OBL before we had heard of him.

    In Europe - Geert Mak

    A travelogue combined with the highlights of 20th century European history.

    The Moral Landscape - Sam Harris

    Morality without god. You can indeed get an "ought from an is".

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