Can your child be too young to learn TTATT? Where would you start?

by DATA-DOG 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pbrow

    amen outsmart and bible student!

    You give your children just 1 or 2 birthdays, give them a christmas or two and your kids will realize that heads are not cut off, EVERYONE at the parties has a good time (not just the birthday kid) and you will literally see the inner workings of their minds saying "THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL". It also has been mentioned to get your kids involved. ANY sports, dance, girl/boy scouts will work wonders on your childrens self confidence and teach them that all these things are perfectly normal.

    I have been at it for about three years and my children could not imagine life without any of the above things even though their mother is still "in". I would even go so far as to say "doctrine" has nothing to do with it if you get them early enough. The simple fact that almost everything is discouraged will become wierd in THEIR mind and you cant ask for anything more than that. I would just recommend to not make the jdub life the forbidden fruit Dont bash it, just explain where it is deficient. (which is no small task)

    Good luck (yes, I said luck and it doesnt have anything to do with magic or demons)


  • TheListener

    Great thread.

    What about families where the kids are young and don't believe, but, the wife is a true believer. Deciding on when and how to put the final nail in the WTS cofifn with the kids while not completely screwing up the marriage is no easy balancing act.

    I am glad all my kids are 99% WTS free but if they experience trouble later in life I don't want them to turn to the WTS.

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