It Appears The Elderly Are More Taken Care Of Then Ever Before By The Elders

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • scary21

    NOT the case for my mom. She was a JW for 58 yrs. My mom lives in FL. My sis and I live up north. We both visit her 2x a yr. Last time we were there the elders met with us . They wanted to know what we were going to do with our mother. There is only 1 JW in her con. that helps her. ( takes her shopping 3x a month, to the doc. 3 or 4 x a yr, and to get her hair done every other month ) Well it seems this womans JW husband says it's just too hard on his wife to do this.

    My mom has a wonderful WORLDLY neighbor that helps her alot. Brings her home cooked meals, cuts her grass., checks on her several times a day...ect. If it was not for this woman my mom could not stay in her home.

    The problem is my mom wants a JW to help her. I explained this to the elders. The elders told my mom that it was a good thing, and she should let the wordly neighbor help her more ( they read a scrip. about a loving companion is loving all the time )

    So my mom feels better now that she has the super-fine elders permission to let this WORLDLY woman help have to laugh or I would CRY !

    Smart ass that I am, I had to say to the elders " you know at this point in my moms life, she would have been better off if she were never a JW. Then she wouldn't HAVE a problem with her neighbor helping"

    In all fairness, this JW that helps my mom is 84, so she is old too. ( mom is 89 ) She wants to help. She gets gas money, some free groceries, and my mom always pays for her hair cut. This jw has to go to the store and get her hair done any how, so what is the big deal ?

    Where are all the other JW in the congregation ? The ones in their 50's 60's 70's. ? I LOVE WORLDLY PEOPLE !.......JW suck ! , at least the ones in my moms con.

    I have to keep reminding my mom that the elders want .......... to help you now The elders want help you.You better listen to the elders, they want ............. to help you. It's so hard for her to wrap her mind around this, after a lifetime of telling her NOT to get involved with worldly people, now at 89 yrs old it is OK.......that is so &%$#$$%% up !

  • label licker
    label licker

    In our hall it's only the elders elderly parents that get cared for and only by the pioneers so they can count their time. And when it's not them it's their kids but the kids can't be baptised. Again, we've seen that rule broken too. I laugh when a pioneer tells me there's about six pioneers that are going to take the elders kids to an amusement park for the day and theyare going to count that whole day witnessing to the elders kids. What a joke and why tell me?

  • label licker
    label licker

    And just through this experience of ours> We had the elders come to our home and tell us about gossiping and slander. Here's what really happened. A so called sister pulled her mother out of the nurseing home knowing the mother was in diapers and had dimensia. She told us and other families in the hall that she was doing that so the mothers' pensions would cover their mortgage on the fancy house that they admit they couldn't afford. They denied asking us and others for help.They also asked us if we would move their thirty year old son out of their home along with a wife who had just come from El Salvador with her two little kids. The son had lost his job so "christian" parents kicked them out. Nothing was done about it but a whole lot of families got shepherding calls. If this dumb bitches husband were to ever find out she was telling all of us how she thought her husband was dangerous, tantrum fits, couldn't afford the house, bipolar ect... Her mother was shipped back to the nurseing home when she shit all over the floors which was by the third day. For three weeks she was placed in a temporary nurseing home with no visits from the daughter but the daughter was phoneing different ones if they would go over and make sure the mother is wearing her diapers instead of shoving keenex in her underwear. That's what a jw is all about. They had pulled the same shit up in Elliot lake where the poor mother is now. They also scammed the mothers bank account while the mother was in their care roughly eight thousand dollars. Nice, eh?

  • hamsterbait

    It is a lottery with respect to these issues.

    If your Mom is lucky enough to be in a congo where she has had friends for years, and genuinely kind nice guys at the KH then like any social club they will look out for one another.

    Other kingdumb hells are fulll of self -seeking vengeful greedy venomous snakes and these are unfortunately the norm. My mother would have woken up to TTATT if she had been at the lousy congo I eventually ceased attending because I was sick to death of realising every week that I was not even a second class citizen.


  • scary21

    My mom has been in FL for over 30 years. When she first came down there to live she was one of the youngest of her friends.

    So all her old friends are dead. She also has been reassigned to a different con. at least 3 times, maybe more. Of course she never questioned.

    She is a very quiet person ( not like her daughters ) . When you are in your 80's , quiet and shy, going to a new con. with only a few from the old con. moving with you, it's easy to slip through the cracks. BUT.......... where are the elders ? They could help bring it to the RF's attention that one of their own needs a little help . A visit or maybe a hot meal. Sorry but this subject just pis%$#$% me off.

    On a side note.... I was telling my mom about Nancy Yuen , that JW ( China ) that had 4 kids but went to jail several times for going DtoD' Mom said "I think she was a little nuts " I love my mom ! For a JW she is pretty cool. lol

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    If your Mom is lucky enough to be in a congo where she has had friends for years, and genuinely kind nice guys at the KH then like any social club they will look out for one another.

    My mom had friends for years in her congo, but when she got sick, they just faded away. Too busy going in service to even stop by, but we would see them stopping at the neighbor's houses.

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