If they stop printing the yearly totals, will they stop tracking hours?

by Splash 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    So if the Soc stop printing the yearly totals in the yearbook as many are predicting, does this mean there is no longer any need to keep track of each individuals hours?

    Will this mean the end of our monthly reports?

    *** km 12/02 p. 8 par. 3 Do You Contribute to an Accurate Report? ***

    Conscientiously reporting your activity shows respect for Jehovah’s arrangement and loving consideration for the brothers assigned to collect and tabulate the reports.—Luke 16:10.

    (Also OM p.83-85, 88-90)

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    "noo light"

    Reporting hours is not scriptural so longer a requirement for salvation

    Interesting question

    (Luke 16:10) 10 says The person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much, and the person unrighteous in what is least is unrighteous also in much.

    No mention of reporting hours here chaps. Move along, nothing to see

  • hoser

    I can never see that happening. How will they guilt the members. Without the unscriptural comparisons of pioneering, aux pioneering etc there will be nothing left.


  • punkofnice

    They'll probably just stop printing the yearbooks(TM) and the usual doctored figures will be available on line. You will be able to download them for a fee like iTunes.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    is too powerful a tool to guilt people, and keep them busy. Honestly the only thing I see them dropping is the counting of the cracker eaters, since that has turned into an embarressment for them

  • RayPublisher

    Bethel has always been number-based and statistic driven. I saw that when I was there in even small things. They would trumpet at morning worship that the 1 zillionth study book had just rolled off the press the day before, etc. And Ray Franz makes reference to that a couple times in is books.

    Stop counting time and placements? NEVER.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Never, they are obsessed with totals.


  • sir82

    Never, it is nearly the perfect easy control mechanism.

    How do you determine if someone is "spiritually weak"?

    (A) Talk to them, get to know them, determine their likes and dislikes, see if they exhibit love, joy, peace, etc.


    (B) Look at a piece of cardboard and see how many times the number "10" or higher appears.

    Clearly (A) is far too much effort, so (B) it is, for now and for always.

  • blondie

    When I was a teenager, each congregation had a big board at the front of the KH with the congregation's monthly totals and publisher averages, hours, magazines, rvs, bible studies, books. Yes, they had publisher goals back then: 10 hours, 12 magazines, 6 rvs, ?books, 1 bible study. It was reasoned that you would make 1 rv per set of magazines. Visiting publishers would compare congregations and judge their spirituality.

  • tiki

    blondie - i remember the chart....

    amusing - but i recall one summer convention probably 30 years agoish.....and a statement was made from the platform that "scorecards aren't kept in heaven". guess its just an earthly thing...... they go to such lengths to bash competitiveness in sports and other areas, but completely rely on it to keep the activity level 'up'......

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