How to judge pedophilia on paradise ?

by Lurker001 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lurker001

    Hi Irondork,

    very interesting thoughts, thanks to take the time to post them and share it in this thread. I would like to come back to some of them later on

    As far I can see peodohilian acts are really a hug problem in society. Of course the best way is prevent it: parents don't been overconfident, early enlightment to the childs about dangerous behavoirs from adults, etc. But parents just cannot overlook them 24/7 a week plus the fact some pedos are really smart people intellectually speaking. All of this just make the things worse.

    Let's take God/religion out for a moment.

    once a peadophilia action happens needs to be judged in the most exemplary way, because childs are the basement of the sociaties's future.

    What is in your opinion the correct/proper punishment for a pedo?

    what punishment match your sense of justice based on the damage done?

    For instance in an hypothetical new country we all are starting to legislate for. ( Just for the sake of this consideration )

    rgds, Lurker001

  • irondork

    I have no problem with the death penalty. Keeping your penis out of a 5yo is not one of those things you get a second chance to figure out.

  • prologos

    irondork, we are glad you defined the offence specificly, some believe the term "pedophile" has a broader meaning, and wholesale moving by the grim reaper is not part of the paradise picture.

  • Lurker001

    Hi Irondork,

    As I stated in my first post the threshold for death penalty for me should be at least 10 years old. However others in our hypothetical legislation team might have it 5 yo and because at the end we need to come out with something written called Law, let say 7 years old is the threshold all agreed to sign off.

    Later comes the issue of what should be the penalty for crimes outside that parameters, ages 7-18 and the whole factors playing around, etc , etc… Let's stop this hypothetical exercise here.

    That brings me to the next questions:

    - Where our sense of justice comes from?

    If is it the result of the evolution of human pshyque through time, how many more centuries we need to wait to get it right?

    Why I cannot see any legal system of any country properly punishing pedos?

    Why current human legal systems are so shy to apply death penalty for a undepicable damaging ( I don't know what many other adjectives us to describe it) actions as the one we are considering?

    When they do apply death penalty for cases like murder… takes a lot of time an hassle to actually put to death the law's breaker.

    I mean.. talking a bout pedos's look to Greek ancient society or the Romans, they kind of tolerated or even promoted.

    Our modern societies should be better that them, we should be evolving for better. I'm not seeing it, nor in developed neither on undeveloped countries.

    For your comments death penalty is not and issue within certain parameters, and for sure should not be and issue for many others.

    But somehow when times come to enforce it many get shy , retrieve , step back, etc.

    Seems to me internally humans beens don't think or feel have the rights to punish other fellow human at that extent. Although they agreed is deserved.

    Here is where the concept of an Almighty God comes to the picture.

    Someone with the higher sense of justice and with the indisputable position of power,

    Someone who doesn't shrink back to come forward for the sake of the righteousness.

    If this is true then I'm none to argue Him, only try to understand the way he judge pedophilia

    why He allow it? and most important How He will fix the victims if they can really be restore completly.

    Because even for an AlpowerfullFixer been as far I can see once the actions happens is a huge nightmare, for the victims as well for the One/ones need to judge itself.


  • Fernando

    A hearty warm welcome Lurker001!

    I believe the questions you ask are valid and important, but difficult to answer, possibly because there is still much for us to learn.

    JWNers are united against paedophilia, but most may not yet have had the opportunity to think and question as deeply as you have on this topic.

    Personally I have found a lot of peace, answers and certainty from an ongoing pursuit of our heavenly father's detailed message to each of us. This message is otherwise known as the full or "unabridged gospel".

    It seems there is no higher pursuit than this message now and over the past 6,000 years.

    Sure, many questions remain. Yet some major ones have been answered for me on my personal spiritual journey.

    At the same time I believe the Holy Spirit does lead us individually to answers, to many of the sincere and pressing questions we may personally have, if we are not ignoring our heavenly father and his cure-all message.

    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • Lurker001

    Thanks for the welcome Fernando,

    thanks for your post as well in this topic Prologos

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