my elderly JW dad--continued

by bigmac 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    You honored your father's request: Right thing done!

  • tif21

    you did the right thing. By the way have any jw's been to visit your father?

  • nugget

    You did the right thing. They were your father's and he asked you to dispose of them. He didn't ask for them to be sold or given away so you complied with his wishes.

    As regards congregation records moist of it is meaningless names and numbers I suppose most of it faked at the time and all of it worthless. The dump was probably a fitting end.

  • Phizzy

    Well done bigmac ! must have been a bit cathartic in a way ?

    I burned a load of my JW books a while ago, I am agianst book burning in principle, but my reasons are the same as yours.

    Not so long ago I came across some old Congo records that somehow ended up in my loft, not Record cards, but some letters etc, I have kept them as historical documents, I must have a good look soon, I know there is a reference in there that in the late fifties the C.O of the time said to disband the Congo ! I don't think they did, but they were close to it with just a dozen or so as members at the time. Interesting stuff !

    Well done again, the Constipated Volumes are a bugger to burn by the way, easier to take 'em to the dump !

  • AuntConnie

    BigMac, why would you take your aging Dad into your home when you could be using your time to further the Kingdom Message. Dump them all in old cheap homes run by the County, full of neglect with nurses who cant speak their language! JWN is well aware I hate my parents and (this is absolute truth) I have not spoken to them for seven years on Feb 01 2013 is the Anniversary.

    The Watchtower teaches we must cast aside anything (including elderly parents, depressed souls, needy or weak members) that get's in the way of placing literature or making a theocratic name for ourselves in the CONGO.

    BigMac, you focus too much on the Christian teaching of Jesus Christ, focus more on the Watchtower minds of New York. Your stress level will drop when you turn all emotion off, it's easy to steamroll people you have no love or compassion for.

    Connie's Wisdom for JWs

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I did the same thing felt good I also cleaned out my fridge that day to make sure no one took them

  • JustHuman14

    I have through way some, but kept also some for my library. For instance, all Booze Jo's books(pure apostate material!!!) plus some books that I believe is worth having them, when a JW's knocks the door and you bring some old light to shake the foundations...

    I kept the book from my pioneers class, Shine as Illuminators(suspicious...)plus the Live for Ever book, Revelation(what a scary one) the Prophecy of Daniel(the old version 50's) and the most confusing Book ever written by Franz, God's Millenium Kindom...

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