The Key To Watchtower Defeat

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I have a dream.

    I dream that one day, in the near future, the Watchtower's hypnotic control of its zombie-publishers will end.

    I dream that families will remain intact - who otherwise would have broken up.

    I dream that young people "in the truth" will finally be allowed to grow up without the threat of being disowned, hanging over their heads.

    Is my dream foolish? Perhaps..... but it all depends on the answer to one question:

    Are publishers a liability and a threat to the continued survival of the Watchtower Society?

    If the answer becomes "Yes", then it's game over. If "No" then things continue as they are.

    It's as simple as that. And yes, I perceive a number of reasons why the answer will become "yes" in the near future, if not already.

    I do not see how they will escape being held responsible for the actions of a thinly trained group of 7 million or so, often lacking in good judgement. If it doesn't happen in the US, it will happen in Europe and if not there, somewhere else...

    lawsuits, settlements out of court, and more.

    And if that isn't enough, there is the expense of maintaining the 'preaching' work, while the results are pathetic.

    There was shock when the mighty Soviet Union simply let go of eastern europe. There will be shock when the greedy fingers of the WTS are forced to release the burden of it's ineffective and costly publishers also. Servers are so much safer and cheaper.

    I don't see any way around this but perhaps you can figure an alternative. If so, I'd like to hear it.


  • sir82

    I don't see them "cutting loose the publishers", but I wouldn't put it past them that everyone has to sign a document indicated they act as "free agents" and not as representatives of the WTS. Elders, if not every publisher, at least

  • steve2

    Humans live in the hope that something of personal and collective significance will happen in their lifetime. It's as if each successive generation believes "This is it!" Religious groups thrive on this recurring tendency, but it manifests itself in other spheres as well.

    For example, the earnest hope that something dramatic will happen within the Watchtower Society that will signal "game over" is a mere hop, skip and a jump from the JWs' hope that the end of the world is imminent.

  • metatron

    OK, fair enough....


    1) that doesn't fix the expense/ ineffectiveness problem

    2) it doesn't fix the publisher liability problem ( if only elders)

    3) such a thing would make the issue naked, exposed -which could be a problem in itself


    4) courts might not buy into it, anymore than they have with similar documents


  • metatron

    OK, Steve, I hear what you're saying..

    but I'm still looking for specific refutation.

    Come on, you WT trolls and apologists, bring it on!

    Take your best shot.


  • scotoma


    The key to Watchtower Defeat is the same for the defeat of all organizations: time and entropy.

    All systems run down. The tighter the system the larger the loss of energy trying to maintain organization.

    As soon as a movement becomes organized it loses its ability to adapt and becomes extinct.

    The really important things that take place on a planet like ours is accomplished by a movement not an organization.

  • metatron

    I'm hoping for more than just entropy.

    The salient, needle-like point remains, what do they do with publishers if those publishers are a legal or financial threat?

    If you cannot agree with my predicted outcome, then at least, would you deny the trend? Cut, cut, cut... 16 page tractazines, 30 hour aux pioneers, laid-off Bethelites......


  • insearchoftruth4

    Metatron: Many of us have that same dream. The internet has been huge exposing the WTS.. But I believe its going to get bigger. Too many have woke up to the corporate lies and not at all passive about how they feel. They need their families back and in tact! Some are militant and growing fast... Could this be the Key? There are movements in Europe, North America, Brazil, Australia and many other places. Organized but not an Organization.... LIES BY THEIR VERY NATURE ARE BOUND TO DIE...

  • Vanderhoven7


  • Phizzy

    They, the WT/JW's, are without doubt a moribund organization. The problem for me, an old fart born in the pleistocene era, is that such organizations take so very long to die. I would love to see the end of the W.T in my lifetime, but I doubt I will.

    I would love for my smug, self-satisfied, self-righteous sibling to have to see that it was all a load of rubbish, worse , a total scam that fooled people like that in to serving the money grabbing scamsters for nothing all their lives. But I am willing to bet that such ones go to their grave happy in their delusion.

    Just look how long it took the Shakers to finally expire, and they did not advocate proseletysing, or even having children to carry it on !

    The WT will contract, but will be around for many a year I fear.

    I hope I am wrong, and all of a sudden the Berlin Wall that protects them at present is knocked down, and those imprisoned by it are freed, I do hope so, I have never wanted to be wrong so much before !

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