John Ankerberg Show

by Yadirf 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    Has anyone here ever appeared on the John Ankerberg Show, other than Raymond Franz? Just curious.

    Also, does Joan Cetnar post here? Just curious about that too.


    Edited to correct spelling. Thanks Scorpion.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • WildHorses

    I've heard of the show but never have watched it.

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • Scorpion


    The correct spelling is Ankerberg.

    As far as I know, Joan has never posted on this forum.


  • JT

    He has done alot of shows on the JW-

    I like the way he does it, he uses little commentary many times- just great quotes from the wt publications to show how they really guess and make up explanations on bible text and then DEMAND THAT folks like you accept it as truth and go out and knock on folks doors and tell them it is true as well-

    when in fact certain dogmas are not true

    i find that using the wt is the best way to show a nonjw and a jw who is willing to look at all the cards, just how thier claim of being Spirited directed" is really the guesses and opinions of men tht masquarade around as THE WILL OF JEHOVAH


  • ofcmad

    She has been on his shows. I don't know if she has ever posted here. You can go to his website . If you search under JW's, you will find that they sell several tapes with interviews of multiple people.

  • Adonai438

    Good show with great information. Although the JW ones are older they still are very informative.
    I think that the particular people might be a tad busy with their ministries and writing all the books, making tapes & tv shows, doing the research, praying, etc... to post on these websites. They have their own specific callings from God to fulfill.
    The JW shows have Bill (when he was still living ) & Joan Cetnar, Robert Countess, Raymond Franz, and a few others. Their ongoing articles and books however have a larger array of writers.

    Want any of the videos or books, Yadirf?
    I'm sure we could hook you up!

  • mouthy

    Joan Cetnar had John at her convention about 4 years ago .At Witnesses Now For Jesus. On stage was David Reed, Joan Cetnar Lorie Macgregor & I forgot who else. It was Great- Also peeople in the audience came up to the mike & asked questions.
    I am telling you guys if you dont get to PA ( her convention) your missing a great deal....It is wonderful!!!!
    You can hear some of the testimonies at
    http:// that is

  • Yadirf


    Want any of the videos or books, Yadirf?
    I'm sure we could hook you up!
    Having already exposed my eyes to just about everything imaginable I need no other "videos or books". And you know what, all the crap that's in them haven't the least bit impressed me. I know the underlying reason for people thinking like that -- they want to be "Free", free of any rules to heed except their own -- free from having to obey the standards that God requires of humans. And that's exactly what happened to Satan himself. And he wanted company, and that's why he used the Serpent to mislead Eve. And that's why he sought the company of the many angels that fell for his line. Get the picture?



  • larc


    Just what are the standards you follow that I don't? You don't go in service or to the meetings, so I don't see any difference between us.

  • Yadirf


    I know you don't accept the Bible as being God's Word, but didn't you once admit to being an atheist? I can't remember for sure?


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