What argument is there for a single God?

by Qcmbr 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Qcmbr

    Mormon culture is replete with the concept of multiple gods and requires it to work. Other than a few biblical references does anyone have any compelling arguments for why any god, deist , creationist or full on personal god would - of necessity- be alone. The argument seems somewhat weaker if the gender is applied as well.

    If this singleton being does not procreate why would he create creatures who do? Surely a being in the image of the singleton god would not have children. Does the garden of Eden represent the ultimate failed condom? Instead of a couple of friends to hang out with for eternity god suddenly accrues several billion thinking beings to deal with.

  • PSacramento

    I don't know if there is ANY passage that implies that there is only ONE God and He is alone.

    Trinity doctrine aside and NT aside, the OT is clear that there are many gods, but they are false and it is also clear that God has beings with him, the angels.

    So, in the OT we have a single supreme CREATOR God and a slew of "lesser" beings,some of which pass themselves off as, are viewed by humas as gods also.

  • skeeter1

    Is the Bible really for a single God? I don't think so. There is Christ, Satan, Angels, Demons . . .these are all god-like-lesser-god characters. Just like Zeus and his gang.

    The need for a single God was a creation of a people to make their religion more superior then their neighbors.

  • Qcmbr

    ..but God is still single in the sense he/she/it has no one to share anything with intellectually, no one can ever understand god unless they are also a god? Like the last man on earth surrounded by worms and cockroaches. Why would this sole being exist and why create such inferior creatures to relate to?

  • PSacramento
    .but God is still single in the sense he/she/it has no one to share anything with intellectually, no one can ever understand god unless they are also a god? Like the last man on earth surrounded by worms and cockroaches. Why would this sole being exist and why create such inferior creatures to relate to?

    Well, if God is a Triune being then you have your answer there, He is a relational being, 3 persons in One nature and substance so He has no NEEDS or WANTS because He is perfect love and union and understanding.

    I don't think we can put human notions of "alone" on God, If God is the creator God then He is the source of all and is, in effect, in harmony with All.

  • Qcmbr

    Then why create something disharmonious? If the initial state is perfect harmony and then you purposefully create a universe which is less than you ( Satan was prior to the Fall) are you not intentionally diminishing yourself and rejecting your own perfection. Was this triune being more or less after the atonement?

  • tec

    Love does not keep everything for oneself. Love shares; gives; begets (Christ); creates. Moving from there... what do you create? Robots? People do not want to be robots. Freedom is one of the biggest things that people are willing to fight and give their lives FOR. So we have freedom. That what we choose to do with our freedom is cause disharmony is upon who? The one who gave us the gift of life and freedom? Or the ones we give our freedom TO, who teach us to use such freedom to do their will, rather than the will of one who would teach love, mercy, peace, forgiveness?

    Argument for a single God (as in THE God, and not the many lesser and false gods that people worship, follow, or create)... Christ. Christ showed ONE Father. Not many fathers (and mothers).

    But one can look to Him to see this; or look to others sources, including those that admit to mere speculation.



  • Qcmbr

    If God is the father where did the feminine come from? Is god both sexes?

  • PSacramento
    Then why create something disharmonious? If the initial state is perfect harmony and then you purposefully create a universe which is less than you ( Satan was prior to the Fall) are you not intentionally diminishing yourself and rejecting your own perfection. Was this triune being more or less after the atonement?

    If God is GOD then He is the greatest thing possible, He needs nothing or wants for anything and IF He is a relational being, a baing of love, He lives to share and nurture that love and has doen so in His creation, the universe.

    That the universe is NOT prefect doesn't diminish it one bit since, we don't know what the final stateof the universe will be.

    For all we know, the being we call God may not have started off as perfect be evolved to such and He knows that will be the universes final state also and we must evolved through "chaos to get to order".

    You state that God created the universe less than perfect as Himself, yes, indeed, as all created things are less than there creator.

    BUT could have the perfect being created the perfect creation? will if onlu God is perfect than creation can't be or else it would be God.

    We are getting to the old " can God create a rock heavt enough he can't lift" fallacy.

    The issues is though, putting aside the CAN, why would He create a universe that was not perfect? why create a universe that must evolve to, possibly, become "perfect" ( or as close as possible)?

    Maybe because that is the only way it can be done?

  • tec

    I don't think gender plays a physical role, other than the qualities of each gender (some of which we tend to teach and define from birth, but some of which might also be inherently different). Don't think it matters to God, other than that it does help us to see a union between two beings. Like the union between Christ and those who belong to Him. They are one.



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