Wow, I seem to have made it out alright..

by GoodGuyGreg 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zeb

    I attended a 'Service meeting' to hear a lengthy blasting on beards. No one had asked me about it before hand NO ONE AT ALL.

    This while that elders daughter sat in a skimpy summer dress. (along with many others)

  • designs

    Nice goin Greg

  • maninthemiddle

    Thank you for your story.

    It was legalism that turned me from inactive, while I didn't believe to downright apostate.

    I was OK having differing beliefs, it was when I realized I wasn't allowed to share them that I changed.

    To me it was NOT OK to say it is fine if you believe something, just don't tell others.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Welcome to the forum! I'm glad someone (maybe a few of you) didn't have to sever a limb to leave the organization.

  • whathappened

    Welcome and thanks for your story.

  • jemba

    Great story Greg, I hope it stays easy for you. My concern would be bringing home 'worldly' mates. May cause friction with your wife, tread carefully with your new associates so as not to make waves.

  • cantleave

    Great story, well done and Welcome!

  • Lozhasleft

    Welcome to the forum. That's a really positive story, well done on your fade.

    Loz x

  • flipper

    GOODGUYGREG- Very good story . Thanks for sharing it with us. It's really great to have you here ! It sounds like you are an avid reader and have done a lot of research in reaching your decision to stop attending meetings. Good for you. YOU have your facts straight, it's the Circuit Overseer who talked with you who has his facts screwed up. I'm glad that your JW family isn't hassling you - at this time- I hope that continues for you. I have lots of JW family in still and nobody hassles me too much, two adult JW daughters shun me , but not getting hassled at present. Please know we are a support to you here, O.K. ? Lots of us have been down this road. Take care of yourself, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • tiki

    GoodGuyGreg - first thank you for your intro...and I do hope things continue to go smoothly in your relationships with those still involved with the religion. Your CO who came up with the theory that if you do "something bad", your faith can be taken from you is a new one on me! And it makes no sense whatsoever. Kindness is a fruitage of the God can turn a person who expresses kindness into a cold-hearted cruel beast because he's done "something bad"????? I am not doubting the ultimate capabilities of God, but this reasoning seems to negate free moral's skewed at best.

    Your observations are spot-on. Thanks for sharing!

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