Real xmas tree for the first time

by MMXIV 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • clarity

    I was free to celebrate christmas as a child ...... and my heart bleeds for

    all of you who missed that special 'feeling' of christmas.


    My heart breaks for my own delusion & guillability as a jw, for depriving

    my children of this lovely time!!


    "I wish you all a lovely xmas and for those still in,

    enjoy a few secret xmas treats until the year you get to enjoy it for real"


    Thanks MMXIV for those wishes ........... maybe next year!


    Merry christmas everybody & a special welcome to kozmo,

    & all the brave newbies!


  • truth_b_known

    I too put up my first tree, ever. It looks great and the kidos are excited to see their presents under it. In addition, I put up a Yule tree in my office at work. I have a Thor action figure topper. It is a huge hit with my co-workers. Someone even bought a Mjolnir hammer as part of the white elephant gift exchange. Hail Thor Odinson!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My abusive JW father died just before Christmas when I was sixteen. He was trying to pull me out of high school so his death meant a lot less embarassment and not moving to a foster family to finish school. We had no idea how our traditions would morph b/c my mom was born in with a family who was active in Russell's time. Even as Witnesses, we always saw the tree at Rockefeller Center in NY and did the store window displays. My much younger sister asked for a tree. I could not believe her courage. My mom said yes. The mere act of a tree did much to break the JW cycle. Of course, we had to hide it from our extended JW family.

    My first personal tree was in college. I picked up a scraggly tree for a tabletop tree and bought ornaments from a dime store. My mom laughed when she saw it b/c I had no clue as to put on the ornaments. I did not use any hooks. This tree was a symbol of independence.

    My present tree is a riot with thousands of dollars of ornaments. The mix is eclectic. Expensive European ornaments are mixed with Wal-Mart type glass balls. Many are handmade. Friends of friends visit my tree. For this point in my life, I would prefer three good amaryllis plants lit dramatically. It would be more elegant than the riot of my tree. Over the years, though, my ornaments developed character. They deserve to live for a few weeks on the tree. They are not up this year and I do feel guilty.

    A Christmas tree for former Witnesses is far more than a Christmas tree. My tree makes the statement that my mind and soul are free and that I deserve nice things. Also, I am part of the community and it is good. Merry Christmas.


    thanks still thinking, panhandlegirl & Cofty(how's that rain where you are?),


    Once you make the break from those who don't appreciate you as a PERSON, the happier you will be
    so true!!

    michelle - clearly you're having a very fruity xmas

    clarity - you've been along a journey that we can all learn from

    thruth_b_known don't want to worry you but Mjolnir hammer buyer likes you ;-)

    Band on the Run, xmas trees - the epitome of tradition have huge meaning for some of us even if they are a little gaudy. Certainly not in sync with the beautiful amaryllis - if Santa was a female flower.. say no more

    Some neighbours just popped round unexpectedly with a few presents. A brief visit, no interrogative questions, no patronising encouragement, no motive of counting time or gathering of evidence like the hitler youth. Just a genuine "hello" have a great xams. Truly happy days - great to be free.



    Merry Christmas! Christmas trees are pretty and smell nice, I love having one :)

  • d

    Merry Christmas.

  • WTWizard

    Not only I don't have to hide it (I really don't give a fxxx what that damnation cult does to disfellowship me), but I don't have to be scared of the lights and sounds. It is nice to be able to play Christmas music, which is often the only music that isn't so sterile and boring these days. I have a Christmas tree (an artifical one) that is left up all summer. I have LED lights that save energy (they are ice cold on the tree, meaning no fire risk or risk of melting the tinsel garland or other decorations). I placed copious LED lights in a window that faces a highway behind my apartment complex, and the Christmas lights I placed in the window can be seen from the front road. It is a way to tell the hounders that they can take their anti-hedonic rules and shove them.

    And I had a few surprises in placing items where a few selected workmates (the few that actually deserved anything) could find them. I went out and bought a few lanterns--battery operated LED models and wrapped them in Christmas paper. When the time was right, I brought them in and placed them in the price-control office (which is where the gift-giving stays within the store). One of them appreciated this--the others will find their recipients in due time. In one swoop, I slapped Jehovah in the face by worshiping the sun, spent less money than the witlesses will waste on their field circus yet that helped the economy, gave deserving people (all three of them in the store) a surprise, and helped them in the event of a blackout or when we get our energy crisis and their hours get cut back to 28 on this Osama ObamaCare crap. And I received a couple of items myself.

    Sure beats having to worry that the Christmas songs are starting.

  • myelaine

    Merry Christmas WTWizard...(prepare yourself for an original not very good poem by moi )

    the tree, the tree;

    decorations strung about.

    red ones and white ones, blue ones too.

    the lights how they glow in the night-time so dark

    their splendor without the thought of a spark.

    who would cite error in one so devout? the hounders, the hounders;

    they're the ones, they do!

    love michelle

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    love the smell!

    I just had (have) my first ever tree since i was 10, and it had to be a real tree from a farm. No plastic tree for me.


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