Hi, newbie here

by casio 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • casio

    Hi everyone

    I've lurked on this site for about 18 months and read with interest. Nice to be able to see that there are others who have similar feelings to me. I'm still in but feel a bit of a phoney given the way I think about things. All of my friends and family are "strong in the truth" and thats why I am where I am. The main JW problems I have are:

    • Being part of an organisation that tells people to question their beliefs and church teachings, but won't allow any questioning of itself.
    • Seeing the GB over the years getting a tighter and tighter control over all aspects of members lives.
    • Evolution. There seems to be overwhelming evidence and yet JW's stick strictly to creation and the "according to their kinds" doctrine. Noahs ark????

    Long term aim is to get my wife and kids to look more critically at all of the info thats coming out from the org and try and make an informed decision for themselves.

    In the meantime I'm a regular meeting attender, going out in the ministry, giving talks, and answering.

    Given the fact that if I'm "found out" as being on this website things would be really difficult for me, I don't want to give out too much personal info. It also means that it might take a while for me to respond as I can only get access to the forum every few days. So apologies before I even start!

    OK - enough from me. Feels good to be posting (eventually). And thanks to all for your posts over the past 18 months which have got me thinking.

  • cantleave

    Hi Casio,

    You sound like me 3 years ago.

    Welcome to JWN. At least you have lurked long enought to know this is frontier land.

    Which country are you in?

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello Casio and welcome to the forum. I hope you can find tactical ways to help your wife and children to see the truth about the 'truth'.

    Loz x

  • Phizzy

    Hi Casio, and Welcome !

    You will find lots of answers to questions by using the search button and looking at old threads if you feel the need, and you will have plenty of support here as you try to free yourself and your family.

    All the best for the future.

  • 88JM

    Welcome casio - from one newbie to another.

    I agree the evolution stance is a total joke, and I can't see any reason they can't at least accept some form of theistic evolution apart from their own ego.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Welcome, if you dont want to be found out on JWN then either use a PC no one else uses, or use Private browser sessions where the history and cookies are not stored (but you will need to manually log in to JWN each time)

  • finallysomepride

    Welcome Casio, greetings from Australia, glad that you finally joined up

  • gorgia

    Welcome Casio, well done on making your first post. I'm quite new here too, from the land of Oz.


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Glad to have you here! This place is a real eye opener

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Welcome. You sound like me five years ago. You will find lots of support here.

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