This really works to shut up the elders and other do gooders prying questions

by harleybear 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Those people asking you to come back, are doing so because they think its the right thing and are concerned about you.

    Right, this has nothing to do with the CO visit and the fact that you are on your way to "Inactive"....

  • problemaddict

    Hey Yan,

    I can't speak for people I don't know. if a couple ladies ran into him at the grocery store, I am pretty sure they just said what they felt. Why not give the ladies a break.

    Plus, even if you don't want to give them a break, by jumping to the part where you tell them they are in a cult, you speak the punchline before the joke. I mean this dude can do whatever he wants. But I'm not slapping him ont he back for telling some ladies in the store that said they missed him that "the two witness rule harbors pedophiles and harbors wife beaters", and expecting anything other than.......What!?!

    I mean, if your intent was to come off as crazy, congrats right?

  • snare&racket

    "My spirituality is a personal matter and I dont want to talk about it right now, but thank you for your concern.... bye..."

  • notjustyet

    Great thought besty.

    one of my stated reasons for no longer attending:

    "Why do my kids have a lower level of protection from child molesters than elders kids?"

    Answer: Disfellowship me.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    problemaddict, the OP was about elders making "Sheperding" visits.

    My reasoning is about them, not the little old ladies...

  • Balaamsass

    Just add "I am stumbled by.."

    "Stumbled" is a great JW buzz word- fit "bothers my conscience" inthere as well !! lol!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    problemaddict:"Those people asking you to come back, are doing so because they think its the right thing and are concerned about you. Why respond in a way that shuts everything down, and makes you the jerk?"

    It's not a line I necessarily use on innocent old ladies at the start of a conversation. I pull it out rarely. But if someone, anyone stubbornly is trying the cult-programmed lines and are not respecting my answers, they deserve a conversation stopper. It doesn't make me look like a jerk, it's simply that they have no preprogrammed response.

  • sd-7
    "Why do my kids have a lower level of protection from child molesters than elders kids?"
    Answer: Disfellowship me.

    And to think, you're the incorrigibly wicked one!


  • trillaz

    So two elders came to you? Methinks they will be asking for that meeting soon.

  • harleybear

    Wow What great feed back. Billy X and Snare love your remarks. I agree I don't want to be a jerk but I am simple stating a fact. There is a policy in place that endangers kids....period. As to an impending visit by the elders bring it on. I will just get a chance to pose the question to them and would love to see the response. Would love to hear more input..... I love this site. HB

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