A picture is worth a thousand words.

by seven006 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    dave, it's excellent! i love it!!!


    (¯`·.¸the agents of oblivion descend upon the sane¸.·´¯)

  • belbab

    Fig leaves certainly would not convey the mindset of the dubs sexuality prohibitions. After all, Adam and Eve posted the fig leaves of their own volition.

    Now, cast iron medieval chastity belts, that would be more like it.


  • seven006

    Robert, (You Know)

    You have the originality of a chick pea and half the intelligence. Maybe I'll do an illustration of a bunch of babies dying and people's heads being blown off just to make you happy.

    Go spread your gloom and doom myths somewhere else. Just because your own congregation want's nothing to do with you doesn't mean you need to come here and look for the attention you so desperately crave.

    You are such a sad case of human psychosis.

    Bite me Armageddon boy,


  • Reborn2002

    Hey Dave-

    I've got your back on this one.

    Bob Dont Know is the minority on this board and just makes these posts to make himself feel better with his useless, wasted life.

    He is a hypocrite by the fact he claims to be an active JW who even attends the Hall and proclaims the Organization's righteousness, yet violates the very rule handed down from his "God's directed organization" and "inspired Prophet" that he should NOT be here in the first place. One who KNOWINGLY socializes and debates with DF'd, DA'd, and "Apostates", which he has called us, so he knows what he is doing, is thereby committing actions which are grounds for being expelled from the Witnesses himself.

    YouKnow, Robert, whatever he is.. is a joke. Everyone here realizes that except for him.

    He will undoubtedly respond to this post with some insult or deragatory comment aimed at me and others here, but he wont address the issue at hand. More smokescreen and evasive tactics, just remind yourself he is a JDUMB, and we shouldnt feed the TROLLS.


  • LB

    I'm down by Medford Dave. Next trip up to the sound I'll give ya a hollar. I'd love one of those. Wonder what my son would say?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • seven006


    I thought you were in Eastern Oregon with the rest of the cowboys. Next trip up north send me an email before you come up and I'll give you my phone number so we can get together. We might tray and see if Farkel can get a day pass and come play with us. I'll make sure he takes his meds and you can change his diapers. He needs a day away from the white coats.


  • seven006


    Robert KIng is a lonely old lump of fish poop that has no friends or family. He lives in a delusional world all by himself and has a huge hatred for everyone. Even the people in his own congregation avoid him and do not invite him to any JW get togathers/parties. His only source of happiness is coming to this board and acting out his violent illusions by telling us we are all going to die. He is so incredibly miserable that his only joy in life is fantasizing about the death of other people. I'm sure the death of the Bryant family brought a huge smile to his sick face. He loves it when children die.

    I suspect that he is not a very attractive man and is ignored by all women. That just adds to his hatred of the world. He sits on his computer in a dark room and writes long sermons to us hoping that someone will respond to it. He knows it will be a negative response but when you are as sad and lonely as Robert, any response is important to his sick mind. He does try to get some of the very young female posters on this board to e-mail him but I don't think he gets any takers. He's just going to have to stick with the hookers I guess.

    Bobby is a sick puppy and everyone knows it except him. I feel bad for Robert. It must be terrible to be that lonely.


  • sf

    "Strapping a snowball to your genitals..."


  • LB
    you can change his diapers.

    You make the trip seem so appealing

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • sunscapes

    / you DONT know

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