Who Should Pay For My Wife's Funeral? Me or the Congregation? She killed herself.

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods

    Same here, wha happened.

    Besides that, I have NEVER, EVER heard of a kingdom hall kicking in to pay for a witness funeral.

    More likely that they would just let the state welfare department bury them like a homeless person if the family would not pay.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The only time I have seen expenditures paid, was a local elder working on his own to get some publishers to pay some bills for a publishers who was hospitalized, and the bills were piling up. Nothing on a congregational level

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The kids after a few months of being "dicked with" were finally able to pick up their mother's few items. The brother tried to dump them off at the "thrift store" to be a asshole (I was told a elder yelled at him and promised if he pulled this stunt, he would no longer be his friend (His last friend in the Kingdom Hall). so the husband finally threw her items into a plastic bag onto his front yard and told the kids "You have a few hours until they are going into a trash can, get up her and pick them pu now!" A brother picked up the items with his wife, to hold for the kids and they got everything she had(not much).

    The troll-brother's congregation did come together as the kind people they are(not including the husband, he is now despised by the majority, jumped Halls a few times and received a "cold reception each Hall.) and paid for the everything. Some congregations with little means can have the biggest hearts, it's nice to know there are still good people trying to act under Christ's "Royal Rule".

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