New Pattern regarding Science in the Awake

by konceptual99 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia
    Massimo Tistarelli was born on November 11, 1962 in Genoa, Italy. He received a degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy in 1987 and the Phd in Computer Science and Robotics in 1991 from the same university. Since 1986 he has been involved as project coordinator and task manager in several projects on computer vision and biometrics funded by the European Community. Massimo Tistarelli is currently Full Professor in Computer Science and director of the Computer Vision Laboratory at the University of Sassari, Italy. His main research interests cover biological and artificial vision, biometrics, robotic navigation and visuo-motor coordination. He is author of more than 100 papers in scientific conferences, books and international journals. Prof. Tistarelli is the principal editor for the Springer book “Handbook of Remote Biometrics”, published in June 2009.

    None of that has anything really to do with biology, genetics, or zoology. His opinion about evolution is not necessarily informed by anything in his expert knowledge.

    Scientists may hold crank ideas outside of their areas of expertise. Barry Fell for instance was a professor of invertebrate zoology but was more wildly known for his pseudoscientific work in archaeology and linguistics.

    "For any scientist to assume that because he is highly educated he cannot therefore be deluded nor deceived, is a grave error. The layman has much greater difficulty differentiating between the real scientists and the scientists who are simply — innocently — wrong and have chosen to take up residence in that fabled — and increasingly crowded — Ivory Tower. While a scientist in a free society has the same right as any other citizen to speak out on any topic he wishes, many reputable scientists choose to speak or write publicly on subjects outside their established fields of accomplishment or expertise. When a scientist purports to speak authoritatively outside his field of knowledge, he may then be exploiting his reputation — accomplishments and attributes — and playing on that reputation to extend his authority in a possibly unrelated field. An academic who has achieved credibility in the field of statistics cannot legitimately claim that he therefore speaks authoritatively on politics, nor that he is able to detect trickery. In today's society, we are very accustomed to see celebrities — all too often people in science — endorsing various products and services that have no relationship whatsoever to their professional lives, and motion picture stars sell soap and mortgage plans freely without arousing very much wonder from the public about why they are found on our TV screens and in our magazines performing this task. We are easily blinded by glamour and reputation, which often do not lend any validation whatsoever to such endorsements. This applies both to movie stars and to Ph.D.s." — James Randi.

  • 00DAD

    konceptual99, excellent analysis!

    It's all about perception: "Advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom!"

  • DavePerez

    Leolaia said-

    "None of that has anything really to do with biology, genetics, or zoology. His opinion about evolution is not necessarily informed by anything in his expert knowledge."

    The guy earned a bachelor's degree in EE (electronic engineering), a field of study that has NOTHING to do with life sciences (he's certainly not a biomedical/biological engineer, a discipline which blends biological sciences with methods of engineering). While he presumably can design circuit boards, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with biology. He has a PhD in computer science and robotics, but again: neither has anything to do with biological life processes.

    Not that he can't understand biology (just as a biologist can learn electronics on their own), just that there's no proof that he has studied it in a formalized method. You wouldn't ask a biologist their opinion on a circuit board: why would you ask an electronic engineer for their opinion on biology?

    It's intellectually dishonest for WT to offer his "educated opinion" as evidence on any topic outside of capacitors and robotics. But it IS par for the course: one of their evolution pamphlets quote-mined from scientists where at least their foot-notes made it clear to disclose that the scientists actually believed in evolution (although the comments actually expressed their doubts over a particular proposed mechanism of evolution).

  • RichNpc1

    It all goes back to original sin. That requires the existence of Adam and Eve. Then came Moses and the Law with all the animal sacrifices for sin. All of which required Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice for sin. Don't forget Jesus' recent appointment of the Governing Body as the FDS, the mouth piece for God. So evolution translates to no need for the Governing Body. So if you believe in evolution, don't let the door knob hit you on your way out!!!

  • DavePerez

    RichNpc1 said-

    It all goes back to original sin.That requires the existence of Adam and Eve. Then came Moses and the Law with all the animal sacrifices for sin. All of which required Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice for sin.

    The running theme of needing a sacrifice to atone for some sin is a constant in the Bible, isn't it? "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission".

    Hmmm, so let's follow the "who benefits?" trail from that policy: who profits from the constant need for ritual sacrifice of animals and the need to slaughter aimals in a kosher manner, literally giving the Priestly class a piece of the slaughtered animal as the 'fee' for services provided?


    The animal was then skinned and cut into pieces by the offeror (or priest), and either entirely burnt on the altar or just the fat burnt on the altar, with any remainder being burnt outside the camp. This "burning" amounted to cooking the animal, and the animal was then eaten by the priests, or by the priests along with the one who had brought the animal.

    So the sacrificial ritual was a long way to go to impose for some to impose a mandatory tax on food (under penalty of death by stoning) benefitting the Priestly class. Pretty clever, if it weren't so duplicitous.

  • Scott77


  • LostGeneration

    In reality, the PUBLIC editions of the WT and Awake are for JWs, not the public. (Who reads trash?)

    So what have they really done? Simply pull out the "cultspeak" (anointed, great crowd, elders, faithful slave) stuff and still toe the line when it comes to their doctrines.

    The appeal to authority has long been a favorite tool of the propogandist. I would guess there are probably less than 100 JW scientists in the world, but thats enough for them. Simply send the word out to the COs that they need willing volunteers with a scientific background to be interviewed for the Awake.

    As mentioned, they gotta all be converts. JWs that go to college and study science become ex-JWs.

  • RichNpc1

    So it all breaks down to: Follow the Money!!! The GB and other Bethelites are all given hefty Green Handshakes when they go all over the world. So are the Circuit and District Overseers. "Do you brothers still share with the District Overseers? Take this envelope. Take what you need for your unmet expenses, then share with the District Overseer." Out of the blue, this person is appointed a ms or elder or given a part on the assembly or put in charge of a high profile position. I've seen some CO's be sent on all expense paid vacations by a single brother. Our circuit overseer was visiting. About 10 of us were invited to a brother's house for lunch. The CO and his wife were just bragging about their vacation from the US to Brazil. They were telling how beautiful the beaches were. I piped in and asked, "Are the beaches still all topless down there?" You could have heard a pin drop!!! Then the CO turned ghost white and affirmed that they were. Needless to say, tthey changed the subject.. What's so funny is that I got appointed a ms that visit!!!

  • inbetween

    answer for "breakfast of champions":

    sorry for the late answer, I didnt have access during weekend:

    However the sisters name does not start with "G".



  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Thanks INBETWEEN, evidently they have a few "sisters" on their legal team fitting your description.

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