Whats happened to Commentary Press

by BlindersOff1 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    @oppostate - Sorry about the wrong link. This link is for the audio of both Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom.


  • RayPublisher

    @ Indian Larry and oppostate - This bro would not leak it like that, so I doubt it is from him. I wonder if it is a conversion to mp3 of a computer reading it- I'll download it when I can to find out.

    The guy I know that recorded it in his studio is very discreet and respects Cynthia and the copyright law so he is waiting. The world will have it sooner or later that's what I think. It is sad that it cannot simply be released to whomever wants it.

    As for reading PDF files, it is imperfect but sorta works. Nothing on the same level as a human reader with good inflection, pausing, etc. It's gonna be a long time before a computer voice emotes and inflects an audio book as good as a voice actor, if ever.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    If someone wants a copy, I have no problem giving them an electronic version of either CoC or ISOCF. Since CP is pretty much shut down, I don't have a problem with sending it to others. Just PM me.

    P.S - I also have the audio recordings of both of Ray's books.

  • blondie

    The last shipment was lost by Amazon. A new shipment was sent...watch and see.

  • RayPublisher

    Okay I got the story from him, copied from his email:

    "I took it off Pirate Bay as soon as I got word from [name witheld] that Cynthia was not in favor of an alternate format for the blind (I still can't believe she had a problem with that). However it appears that in the short time it was on there, someone had grabbed it and began to re-seed it. I guess it's out of my hands now."


    Well I think it's awesome and no harm can come to the blind and all the rest that need this info to listen to on their ipod, car stereo, etc.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    It was nice of Ray to share his experiences and become able to support himself with his small business. But he's gone now, and Commentary Press has probably served its purpose. I certainly wouldn't fault his wife for wanting to spend the remaining years of her life Witness-free (both current and some ex). It consumed both of their lives, nearly destroyed them while forcing them to live off of others' charity for a spell, and evidently was the main factor for remaining childless. She's probably alienated from most of her family as well. So she has my best wishes for a life without concerns, worries, or uninvited guests or inquiries constantly hounding her for commentary on her deceased husband or the religion she once belonged to.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    @RayPublisher - Yes it is a live person not a computer voice.

    I do respect the copyright as well. I have actually ordered two hard copies off of Amazon just so that Cynthia does get her share of the funds. I am not really pro pirate bay execept in cases like this when there is no other option. The brother that took the time to read these books into his recording equipment did a good job and it is a benefit to anyone that hears it. I have posted on this before and on that post I did make sure to encourage those who download to also buy a hard copy to help out Cynthia.

    For me it is not because I am blind that I like the audio format, it is because I like to listen when I am in the car. For many of us who still have spouses that are "in" that may be the only time you can really focus on a book like ISOCF. Another added bonus is all you need to do is rename the file and you will never get accidentally "found out"

    I had a book entitled "questions to ask JW's", trying to stay under the radar I put the dust cover of another book over that one. My wife found it. Now she does not trust any question I ask her. Better to stay waaaaaay under the radar if you are trying to get a loved one out.

  • blondie

    Malvinas, there is no point in second-guessing what Cynthia Franz' thinks or feels. How do you know what her relationship is with her family, btw?

  • RayPublisher

    Excellent idea IL.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    The comment was made earlier that she didn't seem to want to have much to do with Ray's business, and I made the observation that one could hardly fault her for that if that were the case. Instead of putting forth a rhetorical question, feel free to correct me if you know any differently. The word 'probably' hardly counts as a definitive. This thread is based on hearsay and gossip about this subject to begin with. I can't see any reason why I shouldn't be allowed this indulgence too.

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