RBC biggie divulges WTS expects disaster victims helped by RBC volunteers to fork over insurance money to the WTS

by oppostate 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Mortgage fraud is on thing. The fraud is on those who donate time, money and materials to help their brothers and don't know that their resources though freely donated are being charged for.

    The sad thing is, if they did knew they would likely scratch their chin and think it was all for the greater good.

    Can you imagine in the UK if a charity like "Children in Need" used the publics generous donations with one hand and sent a bill in the next post with the other. What would be the reaction if they then somehow claimed the credit for this generosity given by others for themselves.

    This goes way beyond insurance fraud.

  • Balaamsass

    Religion is a snare and a racket.......

  • Londo111

    No wonder the PO called after Hurricane Sandy to see if things were all right...

  • Heaven

    In JW land, RBC = Regional Building Committee.

    In Canadian non-JW land, RBC = Royal Bank of Canada.

  • elderelite

    I think some have missed an even bigger scam wrapped realted to this (via the RBC)

    i maitain its clever as hell how they make money off disaters...

    but consider the very buildings they meet in. The little kingdom hall i attend was deemed outdated by the local RBC. Wether it was or not is irrelevant, it was deemed so. As with many KH in rural areas it was built on land donated to the congregation by one of its members decades ago ( 40+) and a structure was built. Because the land was donated and the structure built over the course of time (long before the RBC 'arrangment' was put in place) it was completly paid for and owned by the local congegation, ultimatly congregations, that meet there. It was quiet fincially stustanable by even a small group of 'brothers'.

    Along comes the RBC and decides its no longer satisfactory! IT must be torn down and rebuilt! So a "loan" is aquired from the society to rebuild the hall in the image that the RBC dectates. The RBC organized and directed by... the society. The very people who give the loan. The congregation agrees to repay this 'loan'..... but whats more, the society now OWNS THE VERY KINGDOM HALL AND ITS LAND as a result of the rebuild!

    so to recap... a kingdom hall that was owned by the local congregation is rebuilt at the direction of the society with the societies money that the local congregtation has to repay to the society and then the society ends up owning the building????

    I wouldnt have belived it had i not seen it happen locally with my own two eyes. You can also read about it in detail in the milano park KH scandal that juan has posted about here on JWN

    the tradgdy is that when i brought this information up locally i was branded semi teasingly as an "apostate".

    it was still a beliver at the time. but thats how deep these folks are, that they cant even see it when a building they own is taken from them.

  • DaCheech

    let them rot, don't donate $$$$, I mean "not even a penny"

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Yeah, the RBC scam is well known and documented. I have all the documents that say:

    Upon the winding up and dissolution of this Corporation, af- ter paying or adequately providing for debts and obligations of the Corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    If Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., is not then in existence and exempt under Sec- tion 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States tax code), then said assets shall be distributed to any organization desig- nated by the ecclesiastical Governing Body of Jehovah’s Wit- nesses


    As far as the insurance scam on their property loss form:

    If the total claim is over $20,000, please have the Regional Building Committee attach a completed List of Major Cost Elements (S-84a).

    What this implies is S-84 "Kingdom Hall Loan Application" which goes along with S-84a should also be filled out as the insurance doesn't cover anything beyond 20k.


    As far as personal insurance:

    It's not documented but I've heard similar requests after Katrina - the CO's are tasked with trying to get personal insurance reimbursements paid out to WTBTS if the JW's helped you in any way. They can't legally demand it but there is definitely pressure there.


    Purchases made by RBC:

    We are pleased to inform you that the U.S. Branch Office has set up a credit card program for use by Regional Building Committees. The credit cards will be issued by JPMorgan Chase and will carry the MasterCard logo. The credit card can be used wherever MasterCard is accepted. Watchtower will receive a rebate for all purchases on the card. (Emphasis mine)

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The real test for the WTBTS would come if they announced from the platform exactly how it works with the RBC...

    whether it is legal is one thing, whether it is moral is a completely different thing.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What's a frikken RBC? Annoying people who use acronyms assuming everyone knows what the frik they mean.

  • notjustyet

    Regional Build Committee


    ( NOT JUST YET) lol

    ( Laugh Out Loud) Roflmao

    ( rolling on floor laughing my ass off) SIS

    ( Snickering in side) JK

    (just kidding) OMG!

    (oh My GOD)


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