If asked to attend a JC...

by Splash 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balaamsass

    Why go? Write a letter denying doing ANYTHING unscriptural, you are unavailable, and if someone has made a wild accusation because of misidentification or a misunderstanding it is wrong or slanderous. Request the names of the two witnesses in line with stated Watchtower policy. Send it certified, name the brothers.

    CC:Legal Council

    Don't put up with childish BS

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I won't attend any gathering with the unbiblical "older men" any more. Thank you for the info as always!

    Baalam we both know there are methods around the "two witness rule", Ray Franz was removed for bullshit trumped up charges.

    If the Society desires you to be removed or df'ed, it's going to happen no matter what we do. I hope this brings a showdown eventual to a country with "Hate Speech". .

    How is it the Watchtower want's the E.U. high court to defend all their rights, they are not willing to allow their members to have? Go Figure!

  • Heaven

    ... "I'd rather have a root canal, thanks. You have a nice day now. Buh Bye. "

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    (5) Is the person willing to meet with a committee, thus admitting accountability to the Christian congregation?

    = feeding their delusions of authority. If you are not a fully believing cult member, Elders are not your friends and will trash your character to your family if you meet with them, so I can't see any reason to meet with them unless you're a convert with no JW family and just want to tear a strip off them for stealing your time with their silly paper god and their doomsday lunacy. Even then, you'd be better off doing it from the platform when you give your last talk.

  • Fernando

    Star Chamber JCs have one benefit I can think of - they brutally open ones eyes to the hidden evil spirit at work in the hearts of the ruling clergy class and their Sanhedrin or GB.

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