If There was a Cosmic Pain meter...

by cofty 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Imagine that it was possible to precisely measure the amount of suffering in the world at any given moment - a cosmic "pain meter". Decide for yourself what the unit of measurement would be.

    We can only imagine a fraction of the combined suffering that is being felt right now. Physical pain, emotional despair, grief, desperation, loss, terror and hopelessness.

    Of course if there is an omniscient god then he knows to the last iota what that theoretical meter would read right now.

    The bible contains a number of answers to the question of suffering - ever since the Babylonian exile one popular answer has been to blame his nemesis the Devil, "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." 1Jhn5:19. Along with that is the assurance that god is ultimately in control and, while he does not cause evil nothing happens without his permission.

    So my question to theists is this - is god passively observing our theoretical pain meter or is he in control of it?

    If god is merely observing the amount of pain caused by his enemy then he is impotent and unworthy or worship.

    If god is in control of the degree of suffering permitted in the world then he cannot be excused as easily as his apologists imply. That conclusion has implications for the myth of a loving god.

    My personal philosophy is that the world contains a capricious mix of pain and pleasure. "Shit happens" - there is no purpose, design or control. The good news is that things are getting better all the time and its all thanks to human effort. That's not to minimise current suffering but to see it against the backdrop of history.

  • cofty

    double post

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I agree with your analysis Cofty - god, if he exists, is either an asshole or impotent.

  • Knowsnothing

    Cofty, I always like to take opposing viewpoints, just to explore the subject further.

    Imagine that it was possible to precisely measure the amount of suffering in the world at any given moment - a cosmic "pain meter". Decide for yourself what the unit of measurement would be.

    You're already making it subjective, and indeed pain has been proven to be such. Some have high pain tolerance, either naturally born with such, or as an acquired trait.

    We can only imagine a fraction of the combined suffering that is being felt right now. Physical pain, emotional despair, grief, desperation, loss, terror and hopelessness.

    Ok. We agree these things exist. You would argue and say this is unnecessary. I ask you, why? What about these emotions is unnecessary? Isn't creation itself unnecessary?

    Of course if there is an omniscient god then he knows to the last iota what that theoretical meter would read right now.

    I'd say this is where god is limited. He can know it all, but can he experience it? Can he truly put himself in a position of suffering? Seems contradictory, but think about it. Can god die? Can god be flesh and experience waking up the next morning not knowing what will happen next?

    ever since the Babylonian exile one popular answer has been to blame his nemesis the Devil

    Where does it say that? The Bible mentions that the Babylonian exile was in fact God's own doing, God's own punishment on his people. The Devil gets occassionally blamed, but more than anything, it is God himself who executes punishment.

    Along with that is the assurance that god is ultimately in control and, while he does not cause evil nothing happens without his permission.

    Without God, is good vs. evil even definable? Isn't it merely a subjective mental masturbation?

    So my question to theists is this - is god passively observing our theoretical pain meter or is he in control of it?
    If god is merely observing the amount of pain caused by his enemy then he is impotent and unworthy or worship.
    If god is in control of the degree of suffering permitted in the world then he cannot be excused as easily as his apologists imply. That conclusion has implications for the myth of a loving god.

    I think the question is so off, so loaded, its not even wrong. You say, "If god is merely observing the amount of pain caused by his enemy then he is impotent and unworthy or worship." I ask, what about god allowing pain make him unworthy of worship? Why must his seeming inaction = impotence? Have we even taken the time into looking at why he would allow it? Do you think it possible that there is a justification for all of this?

    You say, "If god is in control of the degree of suffering permitted in the world then he cannot be excused as easily as his apologists imply. That conclusion has implications for the myth of a loving god." I ask, couldn't suffering be much worse? How do we know there couldn't be a whole other level of suffering we can't even conceive?

    My personal philosophy is that the world contains a capricious mix of pain and pleasure. "Shit happens" - there is no purpose, design or control. The good news is that things are getting better all the time and its all thanks to human effort. That's not to minimise current suffering but to see it against the backdrop of history.

    I've thought like this too, but there are some questions that linger on as well. Why even care? The joyous and the suffering all end up in the same place, in the same condition. I could also argue things are, in fact, not getting better for the long run. If you managed to get a new car, at the expense of loosing your life driving off the cliff, would you call that an improvement? We've improved the lives of certain individuals, and have laid much of the earth to waste in the process. We have potentially caused more problems for our future descendents, to a degree and scale we can't possibly fathom. Our so called improvements are trash in the grand scheme of things.

  • Hortensia

    It's a huge part of life -- suffering -- and being told god allows such awful suffering to suit some purpose of his own doesn't encourage me to respect god. Being told "it could be worse" doesn't help either. It's clear there is no god. How could a god who loves his children allow them to suffer so much? Humans are more loving than that. If there is a god, he/she/it should be accused of reckless disregard for the safety and happiness of mankind, for recklessly pursuing his own aims while causing/allowing universal suffering.

  • Knowsnothing
    It's clear there is no god. How could a god who loves his children allow them to suffer so much?

    You're allowing emotions to get in the way. You forget that suffering ends, at some point in time.

    If there is a god, he/she/it should be accused of reckless disregard for the safety and happiness of mankind, for recklessly pursuing his own aims while causing/allowing universal suffering.

    Well... what doeshe gain in causing/allowing universal suffering? What if there is purpose to it?

  • botchtowersociety

    Imagine a cosmic pleasure meter. The amount of happiness in the world atagiven moment. Pleasure. Love. Happiness. Trust. Faith. Hope. Togetherness.

  • HintOfLime

    And on the other side - how many people in a "Jesus loves me" circle-jerk does it take to negate the suffering of a single person?

    - Lime

  • Phizzy

    I see "Knowsnothing" , who I commend for playing devil's Advocate by the way, has had to fall back on the old canard "Ah but what if it is some mysterious part of His Purpose which we poor Plebs who he is using as cannon fodder are simply too dumb to understand ?".

    Even if it were part of "his" purpose, it is still disgustingly immoral, to have it the power of your hand to help a sufferer and do nothing is despicable.

  • Sulla

    Cofty always posts with a great optimism -- and I don't mean that sarcastically.

    But I feel like we've played this hand before. Help me out, Cofty: couldn't God, if he existed, iron my shirt? It's wrinkled as all hell and I'm short of time.

    Maybe that strikes you as crass. But you surely know the story: "Turn these stones into bread," he said, "if you really are who you say you are." Hell, while you're at it, dude, turn 'em all into bread; there's lots of hungry people around here.

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