WT elders school: The elders in our circuit appear to be "trained" quite well

by sir82 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • pontoon

    I was thinking the same as Emptyinside, did they happen to say at what point the holy spirit kicks in to straighten out enough of their thinking so that a "spirit guided decision" is reached?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Henschel frequently said, "The kind thing is usually the right thing to do."

    I don't think that any of the current GB ever knew Henschel. The Pharisees were amateurs compared to the current trends of harsh judgmentalism in JWland.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    and I remember the old timers quoting that alot. Or how does it help the friends? Apparently help means push them off a cliff.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    One of my cohorts scored the most "tail" with sisters dealing with depression, cheating husbands and drug addiction (pills like Xanax, Valium) and just lonely girls, ladies looking for company.

    How did my fellow elder get caught? Brother "Playa" was getting laid two to three times a day in Santa Clara-San Jose area, his service "Black Book" contained women, women and more women(Cougars, "Girls Gone Wild"! Brother "Playa" even put out for the"60+ year olds who bought him gifts, paid his rent, ect..) various degrees (equal oppertunity sex addict) he would call alone on "You can't go with me, she get's nervous if I am not alone", 'hey, no problem brother!"

    "No problem, right?" because we are in Jehovah's Holy Organization and we are taught to think the best of the "older men", who are looking out after our souls! Hindsight is 20/20 you all say, things were different in the 1980s, I was innocent and really thought he was "Giving them the Truth behind closed doors" taking care of these women and their spiritual needs. We were told not to touch, go to sisters homes who were dealing with EMO stuff, but brother "playa" was different, he could charm anyone with his wholesome conduct.

    My best friend "Cougar Slaying Elder (He's a good looking beast!) decided he needed to get married to prevent the friends from asking why a single elder had a dozen female bible-studies. Personally, I thought something was up but my loyalty was wavering, and to make things easier he decided to move to a forgien language Kingdom Hall. He finally was caught after he got married, his ponzi scheme of having sex with men and women almost imploded our Kingdom Hall. Since the age of 19, until he was caught at 29 years old, he claims to have had sex with over four hundred women, he refused to number his men and transgenered partners, so it's possible he was close to 500 men, women and TGP?

  • Scott77

    "he had gone to sports bar alone to eat dinner, a "worldly girl" had asked to join him, after a few drinks she asked him to "come to her place to see her aquarium", and then she "seduced" him."

    That Watchtower's obsession with human sexuality is something of an anathema.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Making sex the topic was probably the best way they could keep the elders awake for this snorefest.

  • Londo111

    Brother "Playa" sounds like an addict who needs professional help. Of course, disfellowshipping doesn’t help with that.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The "goofus" elder went into the Kingdom Hall library alone with the sister when she left the auditorium.
    You could hear literal, audible, gasps from the 100 or so elders watching the video.
    A few moments later, as the sister was crying, "Goofus" put out his hand and touched the sister's hand.
    Again, literal, loud, audible gasps from the audience.
    Let me rewrite that for you:
    The "goofus" elder went into the Kingdom Hall library alone with the sister when she left the auditorium.
    You could hear literal, audible, gasps.
    A few moments later, as the sister was crying "Goofus", he put out his hand and touched the sister's hand.
    Again, literal, loud, audible gasps.
    I'm perverted and stupid
  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    @Londo111: I want to add one point, I do appreciate your kind nature you post on JWN. With that said, I was seriously discombulated when he when "Playa" told me, "You will not be seeing me anymore!", he stopped going to JCs after the first meeting. It's been over twenty years brother "playa" has been MIA, I can't find him because I think he does not want to be found.

    I tried to look him up on Facebook and "People Finder" to reconnect, I was not a huge "hater" and cheated by talking with "the untouchables" frequently. Brother "playa" had issues "disfellowshiping/ excommunication" never solves, just adds more burdens unto the backs of those needing serious help, I think of great men like Tiger Woods, X-files star David D. "Agent Moulder" with serious addictions of sexual activity.

    There's a psychology thought, that people who suffered "near death experience" fear death excessisivly", will use sex as a method of "reaffirmation of life". We ran across self-made "elder psychotherapist", imagine "brother goober" thinking he is the next Dr. Alfred Adler (Family Therapy Pioneer in psychology) giving out shit advice, it's unfair the Society loads us up with problems, but never have we been through any decent training sessions.

    Christendom has seminars lasting two weeks or more, where their Ministers are trained in various shepherding techniques, JW Elders don't get this kind of education or resource investment. We are trained to avoid overly problematic brothers and sisters, and rarely elders recommend psychiatrists or psychologist or social workers to help our depressed souls.

  • notjustyet

    He said

    "he had gone to sports bar alone to eat dinner, a "worldly girl" had asked to join him, after a few drinks she asked him to "come to her place to see her aquarium", and then she "seduced" him."

    And the brother commented "She did not say that exactly, she asked if I wanted to come back and see her "Salt Water Clam" and I mistook that to meen her Salt Water Aquarium, my bad.


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