
by Qoo_Kumba 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Qoo_Kumba

    Hi all,

    I joined this site a while ago, and promptly forgot all about it. So imagine my surprise and delight when I started getting referrals from it to my blog! Thanks to:

    Member: konceptual99

    For the recommendation!

    So with humble apologies I offer a belated "Hey everybody!"

    I am Chris. I am happily married with five demons. I live in Poole, Dorset, in the UK. It is wet and raining today.

    I am type two diabetic with advanced diabetic neuropathy. It means I can hardly walk.

    I escaped the cult 8 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did! I was brought up as a JW, so only now am I really appreciating it - it seems to take sometime for the mental readjustments.

    I was Dfed for fornication. I lost everything that day and it took 18 months to begin the process of rebuilding, but I am a better man for it. I was able to let my scientific nature run free at last and discovered I was Atheist and Evolutionist. I love science and am encouraging my small ones to question everything with a scientific mind.

    My parents are still in, my youngest sister is still in. My younger brother (disfellowshipped) and my other younger sister (fallen away) do not speak to me because of my revealing what they felt was too personal and detailed an excape story which was disrespectful to my parents (f**k my feelings then!)

    So I am free!

    Should you desire it you can read my full story here;

    If you do, please leave a comment behind, it really helps!

    Thanks very much.

    Chris W

  • Chariklo

    Welcome to the board, Chris!

  • cedars

    Hello Chris - congratulations on gaining your freedom!


  • jookbeard

    welcome from another Brit.

  • Phizzy

    Welcome ! Cantleave and Nugget are not that far from you.

    The sweet smell of freedom ! I found it real heady stuff whenI first left, and I still both savour and cherish freedom, I too am a non-theist and evolution is simply a fact, the Theory of Evolution being one of the most scrutinised and attacked of theories, and yet still stands after 150 years or whatever it is, well done Darwin !

    Good to have you with us Chris, and you live in a beautiful part of this sceptic Isle.

  • cofty

    welcome from the frozen north. I will check your blog later. Have you seen the thread about the get together on south coast.

    Best wishes, Bill

  • Heartofaboy

    Hi Chris, welcome.

    Wet & windy here too.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome. I am commenting to mark your thread to take a look at your story.

    Glad you found a better life after leaving the nightmare (or getting thrown out of it).

  • alanv

    I was wondering why there were no comments on the 'friends' section for you. It's because you have all the welcome messages on this topic instead. So welcome from another fellow brit. The more that leave the org, the easier it becomes to help those still stuck in it. Let's hope your family see the light and come round to speaking to you again.

    All the best.

  • 00DAD

    Welcome. I look forward to reading your "too personal and detailed" escape story!

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