New Light on the GB's new elite status still NOT AVAILABLE on in other languages (8 days later)

by Calebs Airplane 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    So far, available in ENGLISH only... I guess there is a lead time for the interpreters...

    This presents an opportunity for those who attend non-English congregations to ask their JW friends important questions on this subject, have them research the WT CD and then present this New Light as a "possibility"...

    For example, you can ask them questions like:

    • What would you say if I told you that the Governing Body NO LONGER represents the annointed (a.k.a the FDS)?
    • What would you say if I told you that Charles Taze Russell is NO LONGER considered a part of the Faithful & Discreet Slave?
    • What would you say if I told you that, even though the publications say the FDS started in 33, they have only been around for 94 years?

    I'm pretty sure you will be viewed as an apostate... until this news on the Annual Meeting shows up in their language. Just a thought...

  • cedars

    An excellent point. I hadn't considered it from that perspective. So basically, you only get the privilege of receiving this new light (34 days after those who attended the Annual Meeting) if you (1) have access to the internet, and (2) speak English. Otherwise, you'll just have to joing the queue to receive your "food at the proper time" weeks or months after everyone else.

    This is yet another reason why publishing the "new understanding" in the magazines would have been far preferable to the shoddy and inefficient way in which the Governing Body chose to release the news. However, as we all know, they are more interested in receiving fanfare and applause than reaching everyone simultaneously with a profound new scriptural understanding.


  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    . . . that celestial chariot is not on the data highway.

    At Brooklyn Headquarters ... "you feel the pulse of Jehovah’s visible organization; here the spiritual food is prepared and then sent out to the four corners of the earth".

    1987 The Watchtower, 7/1, page 31

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    11 days later... still nothing in other languages...

    In South America, The Faithful & Discreet Slave = All the annointed on earth represented by the Governing Body

    In North America, The Faithful & Discreet Slave = The Governing Body

    From a insider's perspective, it could be said that over 6 million JWs are currently spreading lies about the FDS while less than 1 million JWs are spreading the "Present Truth" about the FDS. Maybe the interpreters are still in shock and simply can't find the appropriate words to put into print... It happened when Steve hit Selma... remember that thread?

  • sir82

    Interesting, but the vast majority of JWs don't care about doctrine.

    Heck, 95% of JWs don't even know their own doctrine.

    For JWs, here is what is important:

    -- God's name is Jehovah

    -- You're supposed to go door to door

    -- Don't take blood

    -- Go to meetings at the Kingdom Hall

    Anything else is just fuzzy detail. If the underlying doctrine changes, they really don't care - it's all just fuzz.

    It's typically only after someone leaves, usually for a non-doctrinal issue, that stuff like this begins to make a difference.

  • punkofnice

    Bang goes the fallacy of the JW's being 'united'(TM).

    How many times were we told at the meetings(TM) that we all get the same 'food at the proper time'(TM) together.

    What a disjointed bunch of pr1cks the WBT$ are!

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    New Light still only available in ENGLISH... 2 weeks and counting... I'm thinking maybe the interpreters got furloughed and this got outsourced to India...

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane


    What's going on?

    It appears non-English speaking countries aren't all that important in the eyes of the GB 2.0. After all, this IS an American religion. Why should these elitists even bother to get this NuLite translated?

    Perhaps non-English speaking JWs will be soon considered the "other sheep" who will be provided spiritual enlightenment strictly on a "need-to-know" basis...

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Simple strategy

    By only mentioning it in english, the west (in decline) get to jibber about it and maybe they lose a few. Most drink the koolaid.

    By the time it get to say, africa (on the way up) it will be a case of "oh, yeah, thats old news..." fewer loses.

    Canny bastards me thinks, know better than to make a global deal out of changes


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    32 days later... only English-speaking JWs have access to this Nu-Lite...

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