Six screens program

by stuckinamovement 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinamovement

    Mouthy you are a legend. I applaud everything you have done to free the ones trapped in the cult and all of the others who have done so also. Your efforts are invaluable, and I realize that there are many who have carried the torch with success.

    I sincerely think it is best if I mind my place and shut my fucking mouth.

    good bye!

    siam aka bugger

  • mouthy

    Now you are angry. You see what happens when we dont show LOVE!!!!

    You didnt have it for Rick. I didnt have it for YOU.So two wrongs didnt make a right .
    Jesus told us to do unto others as we want done to us.... Sorry I didnt obey him

    For that I am sorry .....Please forgive me.

  • ohiocowboy

    I love you, Dear Sweet Soul Mouthy, and thank you for sticking up for someone who isn't able to be here to defend himself!

    Here's a little story about Rick. After his wife died a few months back, I called him, hoping to offer condolences and perhaps lift his spirits a little. By the end of the phone call, he was the one encouraging me!!! Rick may not be perfect (NO ONE IS), but he has done more to expose the Org. than many people could even dream of. If anyone were to take the time to actually get to know him personally, you would find that he is not the person he has been portrayed as. Any flaws he has have been greatly exaggerated by those who just don't like him.

    As Mouthy said, What are YOU doing???

  • mouthy

    ohiocowboy>Love ya sweetie. See I was naughty losing my cool though.

  • grumblecakes

    just out of curiousity (as a newbie) whats the significance of the name "6 screeens"?

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Who is Rick Fearon and what do the "Six Screens" stand for? I second the motion for somebody in the know to let us know!

    Six Screens are for 666? Is Rick the "E-Watchman I've heard about?

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