What do JW's say when someone passes away?

by El Kabong 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Hello everyone. Haven't been around for a very long time.
    I do have a question though. What do JW's say when another witness passes away?
    Do they say I'm sorry, or Rest in Peace, or condolences or anything like that?

    I've been out of the org for such a long time, I'm not up on what is permitted or what is forbidden.


  • cantleave

    "If you are sad, please join our cult"!

  • Glander

    How rude!

  • Kojack57

    They offer their condolences. But what they should say is at least now they are free from all of the mind control B.S. because its a CULT!


  • a watcher
    a watcher

    We say, we'll see them again soon, in the resurrection.

    We say, we'll see them again soon, in the resurrection.....a watcher

    Just like all the other JW`s who say..

    "We'll see them again soon, in the resurrection..

    Then eventually they die..

    Just like all the other JW`s who say..

    "We'll see them again soon, in the resurrection..

    Then eventually they die..

    Just like all the other JW`s who say..

    "We'll see them again soon, in the resurrection..

    Then eventually they die..


    ...............................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • tiki

    yep - outlaw's got it.......if of course it was an accident or something other than "natural causes" there's the grand opportunity to turn it into some kind of a "witness"....

    one thing though that occurs altogether too frequently is that close family members get criticized for mourning and not getting back to the grind fast enough - if they have the audacity to grieve instead of joyfully sharing good news with others so as to forget their personal sorrows.....

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Thank you for the replies. I had forgotten about the "We will see them soon in the Resurrection" line.

  • moshe

    Oh my, don't be sad, for your Dad wasn't bad, no, no, he was a a Jehoobah's Witness and that means he won't stay dead. The resurrection will bring his recreated molecules back! Just don't slack at obeying the Governing Body or you will find yourself among those we do hate- the dreaded aposTATES! So remember, to just forget what you thought you knew, when new light makes you stew and we can all join your Dad in paradise.

  • flipper

    I used to hear JW's say this when I was a Witness, " Well, at least he has escaped this old system and paid the wages of sin and will rest peacefully until Jehovah rewards him with a resurrection in the coming Paradise ! " It's disgusting how sick that comment sounds now that I've been out of the org for years. Good lord

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