Elders Douchbag Awards!

by Unbrainwashed publisher1 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyDad

    Are we allowed to name names on this thread? Man.....could I blast some of the ones from my old cong. that I was also an elder in.

    If you go back to my first posts in 2004, you will see a post of how I threw two of my fellow elders out of my house.......not only once.....but twice. This happened in the late 1990's but I didn't find this site until 2004.

    Today I am truly happy.



    Details please!!!! You are a stud if you threw someone out of your house! I will look for that thread.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    You are a stud if you threw someone out of your house! I will look for that thread.

    I had this new younger fanatical elder over in my house giving me some BS criticism about me being too open minded in my views. After he slammed his hand down on the coffee table, I told him he needed to leave now, and when I escorted him to the door I ask if he wanted to take it out in the yard. His wide eyed look was priceless. He was an arrogant asshole, and I would have loved to have thumped him.

  • Unbrainwashed publisher1
    Unbrainwashed publisher1

    "Think About It" that was awesome! I think this helps take away some of the fear for those lurking that elders are just people and some of their actions

    shouldn't be tolerated it's sick that these men do it under the false authority of Jehovah but people should stand up for themselves

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'll nominate the elder who counseled me to stop feeding my kids before meetings to minimize the chance one of them would vomit and cause us to miss the meeting. That particular bit of counsel was delivered after my youngest vomited all over himself on the way to the Special Assembly Day program, so if I hadn't fed him breakfast before we left, he would have had to wait until noon to eat - he was 4 years old. I also suspect that elder dumbass would have recommended no lunch for my son either, because one time my oldest vomited all over himself after the lunch period during an assembly. The thing is, when kids are actually sick, not feeding them doesn't make them magically healthy again. Douchebag.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    My vote goes for the elder who said "Jehovah would never allow a pedophile to become a elder, so either the victim is a liar or the action was not a great sin. Jehovah keeps his Halls clean, pedophiles are not here!" 1st Class DoucheBag!

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    AA - that elder is indeed a first class douchebag!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    FA, this man has destroyeed more people's lives with his eagerness to sabotage anyone he preceives as a threat to his position or future of the next "Sub CO" he probably will acheive. He has the brains of a fourth grader with reading and writing, arrogant, loves to screw with orphans and widows and believes there are not victims, just loser's who gave up on God's Spirit Organization!

    The scripture of "not to be in a hurry to badness" or "don't rush to others with a bad report", he get's a hard on making others feel like shit. He pry's information out of weak men and women and brings them back to the elder room for private reproof unless they can deliver another heavy hitter's head on a platter, he looks the other way in lieu of bigger fish to fry!

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