Favorite films - the same Director keeps popping up...
by Glander 24 Replies latest social entertainment
David Lean - Bridge on the River Kwai - LAWRENCE OF ARABIA - Dr Zhivago - Passage to India - Ryan's daughter - and many other wonderful movies.
Favorite Directors
- David Cronenberg - Scanners, The Brood, A history of Violence, eXistenz
- Nicolas Winding Refn - Drive, Bronson
- Christopher Nolan - Inception, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight
- Paul Thomas Anderson - There will be blood, The master, Boogie Nights
reservior dogs, pulp fiction, inglourious basterds(spelled correctly). guess who?
i also dig, sin city, austin powers, and fight club, among so many others. but the recuring director is Tarantino.
also love sacha baron cohen...borat, the dictator, and bruno.
Don Seigel - Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Dirty Harry
John Huston - Casablanca - The Maltese Falcon - Treasure of the Sierra Madre - The African Queen (he lliked Bogart!)
ps. His grandson, Jack Huston is fantastic in Boardwalk Empire.
John Ford - nuff said.
William Wyler - The Big Country - Ben Hur
Clint Eastwood - Pale rider - The Outlaw Josie Wales - The Unforgiven
whoops, almost forgot -
Ed Wood - Plan Nine from Outerspace
I know some hate him but I think Costner does a fair job, except for a couple of duds I won't mention.
Dances with Wolves was an enjoyable watch . . . and I loved Open Range. Mind you, I'm a fan of Duvall, and Benning . . . she was good in that movie.
size, costner was rockin "the postman".
I agree, Costner is capable of making great films.
He learned a lot from his great first director, Lawrence Kasdan, in Silverado.
I would like to hear some frank comments on the iconic Alfred Hitchcock. I think his best films were in the fortiies and early fifties.
Theocratic Sedition
Danny Boyle, Coen Brothers, Sergio Leone, Martin Scorsese, Tarantino, Clint Eastwood, Ridley Scott(lost some points after that Poopmetheus travesty), Antoine Fuqua, and Orson Welles who might have had the greatest mind related to entertainment to ever walk this planet.
Dirty little secret of mine, Andrew Blake was my favorite director during my high school years and a year or two after graduating.
Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese, Terry Gilliam, Coen Brothers come immediately to mind as directors I look out for
Yea, Danny Boyle, he's good. Chris Nolan too.