Who ARE These People?

by Farkel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Abaddon

    I have a unreserved belief in the level of self-deception people are capable of (i.e., I think that they may 'know' many things, but for exactly the same reasons WE were blinded to realsing what those facts MEANT, many of the uper hierachy are similarly blinded to a realisation of what they know means.

    However, the figure of 10,000 is reasonable I'd guess. If you are genrous and assume half would have died anyway, that means the WTBTS have killed more people than any other religious cult.

    It's larger than the casualties of Jones Town and Wacko, the Japanese Sarin gas cult, theose suicidal UFO nuts, that Nigerian church AL PUT TOGETHER.

    By itself it's even larger than 911 death-toll

  • avengers

    Okay Farkel!!! Yes! Who are these men?

    conspiracy theory anyone?

    I have one of my own, and the more is revealed the more it seems to be true. But. You guys first. I'll sit and lurk for a while.

  • Pathofthorns

    Maybe the GB members are so old that they can no longer reason honestly. Few men of such age and a life of such sheltered and confined thinking can relate anymore.

    Having been thoroughly convinced of their role in God's purpose, they still probably can veto their advisors that might be recommending significant and in their view, disturbing changes.

    Possibly these advisors to the GB are walking a careful line between pacifying the GB until they die and seeking the right time to implement change necessary for the organization's survival without rocking the boat too much and finding their ass kicked out on the street.


  • ARoarer

    Hi Farkel, you are absolutely right in your thoughts about these people who have access and direct communication with GB members. Living close to Bethel and having many bethelites commute to the congregations in the area I lived in, we had many of these bethelites stay with us in our home. Some were bethel speakers who worked closely with GB members. I remember on saying that the GB were "assholes" and because of his position he could not air his feelings. His logic was that "when we all get to the otherside of Armegeddon, those who think that they are princes, will be hearing the words, "here Prince" , comeon boy. Good boy Prince. In otherwords, they will be as low as dogs. Like a dog named Prince. Has anyone else heard this statement?

  • sadiejive
  • Gozz

    Oh, Farkel is sooo right! So how does Farkel know? Brilliant Farkel, all wise and knowing was in the Organization for decades, the same for scores of apostate activists. For several years, these men and women gave their all to the organization they loved, for the selfish hope of everlasting life. Some who would describe themselves as discerning came out, they undertsood that it was a ruse, no? So what if Farkel and apostates like him think there are people in Brooklyn who think it's not the truth? You don't know! How do you? You take the easy way out; not that they are men doing what they believe to be best, like you and others did as you toiled for the organization before the scales fell off your eyes. Now on the other side, it's easy, smooth, to accuse them of knowing they're knowingly perpetuating an error. So much for what you know.

  • Farkel

    Gozz foams:

    : Oh, Farkel is sooo right! So how does Farkel know? Brilliant Farkel, all wise and knowing was in the Organization for decades, the same for scores of apostate activists. For several years, these men and women gave their all to the organization they loved, for the selfish hope of everlasting life. Some who would describe themselves as discerning came out, they undertsood that it was a ruse, no? So what if Farkel and apostates like him think there are people in Brooklyn who think it's not the truth? You don't know! How do you? You take the easy way out; not that they are men doing what they believe to be best, like you and others did as you toiled for the organization before the scales fell off your eyes. Now on the other side, it's easy, smooth, to accuse them of knowing they're knowingly perpetuating an error. So much for what you know.

    Somewhere in that rant is an argument, I suppose. If your argument is that it's not ok to speak against men who are trying to do what they believe is best, then it would be wrong to speak against Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. It would be wrong to speak against the Catholic Pope, Jerry Falwell, Idi Amin, Sadaam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.

    If that isn't your argument, then what is it, sans all the mouth-foaming?


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