Who ARE These People?

by Farkel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TR


    Remember that Nathan Knorr said he "didn't know" about the 1914 doctrine, Dan Sydlik said that they should scrap ALL their doctrines and start over with Genesis 1:1, and Lyman Swingle said they got all their apocalyptic prediction bullshit from the Second Adventists, "lock, stock and barrel."
    So it's basically a long history of a conglomerate of shit, crap, puke and other assorted bull that was put together over the years, overlapping each other even though nothing fit together or coincided with one doctrine to the next. What a legacy of pure, unadulterated fuck.

    I guess any Tom, Dick, and dipfuck can be an "oracle" for the WTS. Great. Just great. And I was flim- flammed into believing the crap that is so obviously ca-ca. Jezuz Herbert Christ, am I glad that I shit-canned that load.


  • plmkrzy

    Do you think there is a computer at HQ that is open to these forums 24 hrs?

    I have this mental pitcure of some guy in a suit eating a ham sandwhich with his feet propt up on a dest never taking his eyes off the monitor until the shift change.Like the C.I.A.

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • TMS

    Well expressed, Farkel.

    My gut feeling is that self- deception is widely practiced by the GB and those who have their collective ears.

    Nathan Knorr, just before his death, gave concluding comments at Oklahoma City. He seemed genuinely enraged at the treatment of our brothers in Malawi. Did it NEVER occur to him that if the Society allowed the same leniency to the Malawian brothers as they did to the Mexican brothers, these atrocities would not have occurred?


  • Dutchie

    Farkel, this is what makes Ray Franz' decision to leave and expose the organization that much more courageous. He gave up a lot in order to help the brothers. We should all be grateful to him for his sacrifice.

  • Mindchild

    Farkel asked:

    These men KNOW that what they are doing is wrong. These are not misguided or deluded men, but men who are acutely AWARE that what they are doing is wrong and even deadly.
    Farkel, does the FIRESTONE Tire Corporation ring any bells? They are just like the executives in any major corporation who only look at the bottom line and damn anything that comes between their achieving it.

    I would add one more sad fact about group psychology that may also apply. It is strange but true that the more eyewitnesses around you when a crime is being committed the less chance you have of any one individual coming forth to help you. There have been people murdered in broad daylight in front of many people. Hmm, something akin to animal behavior?


  • Bang

    How can they go to their graves knowing that they have and will sacrifice the lives of so many people just so they can themselves have a few more years of living in comfort?

    I think that's one of the implications of the 'no hell' doctrine. It assists evil deeds to believe there's no real price to pay.
    Even so, the waste of life while rejecting God's love is a strong punishment, once realised.


  • WildHorses

    "they are the worst kind of narciscistic human scum imaginable."

    They are murderers!

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • SYN

    Couldn't agree with you more, Farkel, although you can't just go quoting figures like that.

    Then again, the figures you quoted are probably quite conservative!.

    These guys know the real deal, but like you said, they don't want to give up their cushy retirements just so a few people can live a little bit longer. No, better to mentally and physically enslave 6 million people and get them to perform free labour (i.e. 'reaching out for priveleges in the Congregation') than actually go to the Press and tell the Truth.

    Not that the Press would give a flying. Who cares about some megalomaniacal Corporation ruining peoples' lives? They have more important things to worry about, like Britney Spears' love life and J.Lo's ASS.

    You know you live in a sad, twisted world when something like this is allowed to happen and there are actually people out there protecting them. It's sick, that what it is.

    And I bet they DO have some guy eating sandwhiches and hitting 'Refresh' in his browser every 10 minutes or so, and then emailing some of the more interesting posts on this board to the Big Boys.



    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • bluesapphire

    See Farkel these are the types of threads that get people to think!

    All you lurkers out there, feel free to join in.

    As someone else already pointed out, what better doctrine than the no hell doctrine is there for these men? No wonder they didn't want to scrap it all when Sydlik suggested it.

    It's times like these when I really hope there is a hell!

  • WildHorses


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.

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