talked to wife about new light!

by unstopableravens 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    she would believe it and turn around and be mad at me for not believing it

    Now that you know that, don't tell her you don't believe it. If you must talk about cult nonsense, ask a question that is reasonable in her eyes then STFU and don't do her thinking for her. I seldom raise any issue with my lot. It's better to let them bring up something stupid then I have an excuse to make them explain themselves.

  • whathappened

    Yes, you need to do damage control now. She is upset because you set her up for a fall. You knew about the change of doctrine, but she didn't. You made her say what she had been indoctrinated to say, then showed her that she was made a fool of.

    I suggest you apologize to her and acknowledge that you set her up. Keep apologizing until she accepts that you are really, really sorry. She was not treated like your other half. Treat her the way you would have wanted to be presented with this new, disturbing information.

    Next, explain how much you want to be able to talk about this subject with her, that you are justifiably angry that the organization keeps changing important doctrine and it has stumbled you and made you lose your faith in them. Then, start over, you know how to take it from there.

    Remember, your wife needs and wants you to LOVE her. Love her by being kind and heart felt when presenting your views. You are right, and hopefully when she cools down, she will sympathize with you. That's what you want. We women respond to our husbands when they make us feel loved, honored and appreciated.

  • unstopableravens

    what happened thanks for a female view i guess its just that i hate being lied to and like i said the thought of her being lied to should make her mad a the wt but it didnt it just directed her feelings at me . i did set her up and maybe that was not the best way ! and black sheep maybe i should do less talking with her ,i have so much much to say lol

  • whathappened

    You are on the right track, now go love your woman.

  • ziddina

    I have a suggestion...

    There was a study - I think it may have been sponsored by Pew Forum [ ] which indicated that the best way to get a Jehovah's Witness to leave the religion, is to get them to study the bible and JUST the bible, by itself...

    If you're still in a position of "headship" in the family, perhaps you could re-think "family study night" and encourage her to read the bible along with you.

    Then let the bible itself do the convincing...

    [I need to mention - I'm an atheist. However, I think that a person who believes would be much more likely to listen to the actual bible, than numerous arguments...]


  • unstopableravens

    ziddina we have and when we have talked about doctrine example micheal the archangel or being born again she will say i dont know why they teach that but i still believe god is using the org it always comes back to the org

  • whathappened

    Ziddina, you have given some grat suggestions. There are so many boo boos in the Bible, that if brought to people's attention will rock their faith in the Bible.

    I just found out recently about our illustrations about Lot's wife is totally wrong. The scriptures plainly state that they were already in the city of Zoar when it began raining fire and sulphur on Sodom and Gommorah. It says she looked around from behind her husband...not at all like the book of bible stories depict it. There are many, many more examples.

  • unstopableravens

    she just came home from meeting and said i should da myself so she can just worry about her and my son. ugh i think im in the twigh light zone

  • turtleturtle

    I have been able to wake up my wife with VERY little conflict.

    You should:

    1) Get your wife a really cute and lovey dubby card & write only something along the lines of "I love you. Thank you for marrying me".

    2) Never argue with her about anything religious!!!!

    3) Keep educating yourself.

    4) Wait for her to ask you questions or make irritated statements about WT doctrine/leadership. Trust me, she will

    Remember, she is still in the Matrix. You are being too direct. Love you, hold her, and remind her you are her man and will always be there for her.

  • unstopableravens

    turtle i am very direct sometimes to much like you said.

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