Do JWs Still Feel The Need To Understand Their Teachings Or Have They Pretty Much Abandoned That Idea?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If I were still a JW, I wouldn't care about trying to prove this or that. They easily change views so there's no reason to understand anything. It'll change soon enough.

  • Splash

    Minimus, the Reasoning Book is just the tip of the iceburg.


  • minimus

    REALLY, what do you say to a person who even asks a legit question? You can't research an answer without worrying that it's old light.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The short answer is no, they don't feel the need. JWs assume that everyone they encounter in the ministry is less educated about the bible than they are. They don't really expect to have to defend their teachings, except on the most elementary level.

  • james_woods

    Well - this is what you get from a group who teaches that understanding of their teachings can ONLY COME FROM THE FAITHFUL & DISCRETE SLAVE -

    And who have now changed who they think the Faithful and Discrete Slave really is - substantially changed it - at least three times in their history.

  • minimus

    When I was a young JW, I was like a walking encycopedia on WT. issues and doctrines. (What a waste of time!).

  • LongHairGal


    I get the sense very few present day JWs are interested in explaining anything they believe in. In actuality, they cannot.

    Not just that the changed teachings are an embarrassment, but so many JWs have "issues" and aren't into mentally dissecting anything. For them, it is enough that the religion has the magic name of Jehovah and that he is going to end all their problems. You don't understand something? "Wait on Jehovah".

    Nothing need be explained nor make any sense as far as they are concerned and there is no need for them to expend any mental energy on any topic.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My wife rides the fence in and out. She couldn't tell u why dubs do 90% of what they do now, and she certainly couldn't prove any of it scriptually

  • Emery

    The only things JWs generally understand is; no war, no trinity, no blood, no heaven, no hell, Jehovah, armageddon, something about Jesus in heaven in 1914, and service.

    That's pretty much it.

  • james_woods

    No heaven, Emery?

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