letter from brother and my reply

by so confused 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • atrapado

    so confused

    Fear is one of the ways they keep witness trapped. They like to exaggerate (or make up) the bad experiences when someone leaves the organization. But you are in position to show them how wrong they are. Your life will turn out what you make of it. Not what their scare tactics say.

    The love and good family life inside the organization is a smoke screen. There is no real love is just conditional while you do exactly what they want. And now that I am out and I go and talk to regular people I can see first hand how most of the JWs world is pure appearance. I see teenagers doing all kinds of crazy staff lie constantly to their parents because they have a terrible relationship and are afraid of their parents. Then the same parents refuse to see the signs that their kids have major issues. As long as the kids are in the meetings and go on service nothing else matters.

    And I see young adults that will try to get away with everything they can. Yet as long as they go to meetings and go in service they are much better association than a person that refuses to be control by the WT and lives a moral life.

    My wife's family asked me not to leave Jehovah to do it for my wife and my marriage. I told them I wasn't leaving Jehovah, and they were only saying that because they knew nothing better and had been train to think that way and how JWs are less than 0.1% of the population. And if things where as bad as the organization wants us to believe then there would be no world. Yet all the things we have are thanks to the 99.9%.

    Great reply letter!

  • Hortensia

    Good for you. The more assertive you are, the easier it gets.

  • zeb

    typical witness never say in five words ifyou can use 105. and as in most cases a lot of 'belief lines' and little personal.

    so their father had a stroke and was dfd?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    so confused: Well, if there's a bright side to this situation, it's that you've made me very happy that my siblings are all faded with me.

    Hang in there. Keep doing what you know is right without letting them frustrate you and waste your time with their worthless debates. They think they're helping you, but they're the ones stuck in a sh!thole and think it's chocolate fondue.

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