Info on publisher cards???

by OneDayillBeFree 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Last rumor I heard was the paper used these days resists burning.

    Sometimes it even sounds like a screeching owl when going up in flames.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Could you perhaps "misplace" them during your move?

    Put them in that box that will fall out of the back of the moving truck. You know, the box that also had some family photos you are really upset about losing (that's some sob story for the COBOE).

    That is if you physically move to a new place or, maybe if you decide to put some things in storage for a while.....

  • tiki

    lose them already

  • problemaddict

    If you don't mind me asking, what is it you have found is actually on them that you feel isn't proper? No specifics of course.

    Personally, I think you are a little close to the situation with your dad involved, and if you are fading trying to keep it together, losing your cards might not be a good thing. I suppose you could just hand them to them opened, and ask why they would keep such personal and private information on you and pass it on to strangers. But that would just be for yourself.

  • snakeface

    Please tell us, exactly what information is on a publisher card? I would guess Name/address/phone number, date of immersion, other sheep or annointed. But what else? Does it contain notes, let's say, if the publisher had been reproved X number of years ago, or if their hours are low etc.

  • fugue

    Keep them, and when asked, say "Oh, crap, I can't remember what I did with them... let me look for them." Keep stalling in this way until (hopefully) they stop asking.

    The elders at the new hall can easily make a new card for you. It's not rocket science... it just has your name, baptism date, birthdate, whether you're an elder/MS/pioneer, etc. You don't want them to make a new card for you... so keep promising to find the misplaced card, and hope they eventually forget about it.

    But as others have said... they still know that you're a publisher. So you still have to keep a low profile if you're hoping to fade.

    If you ever move from this hall to a new area, DON'T tell any jdubs in this hall where you're moving... and at that point, your fade should be complete. You will be free of their tracking methods.

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    I was told, ounce I went out in service, then a new pub card would be made. I never went out again.

  • haboob48

    since they seem to know the future so well and have gotten every prediction right (wrong) mine probably said "Future Apostate" and possible fornicator. Wow! they may be right!

  • fugue

    I was told, ounce I went out in service, then a new pub card would be made. I never went out again.

    That's correct. When I was an elder, we had a couple times when someone's publisher cards got lost in transit. We would simply start a new one for them.

    Taking your publisher cards isn't a magic bullet for a successful fade. BUT it does help you to eventually be forgotten... especially when you move away. If you leave, even if you're inactive, the congregation will still try to send your card to the new hall. But if the current congregation doesn't notice that you've left, AND they have no card for you anyway, your chances are good that they will just forget about you.

  • mercedes_29

    Redact them and post them. I've never seen on and would like to know what kind of info is put on those cards.

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