"Emergency KM School?"

by Kensho 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • tiki

    emergency = damage control

    probably $$ oriented....

    seriously, what else is there?

  • cyberjesus

    every meeting is urgent... dont you know we are closer to the end?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Anyone have notes from this week’s 1 day Elder’s KM school? I think the first one was held yesterday Saturday November 11 th .

  • irondork


  • 88JM

    Just been told by a brother who heard from an elder just back from the school what the projectors are for. Apparently the GB, or at least one of them is doing a presentation of some sort. I'm not sure if this is all elders schools, but I presume so. From what I heard, it almost sounded like an actual live video-conference with the elders and a GB member - is that logistically possible with so many schools?


    Video conference ?! Hmmmmm.......... Sounds tantalizing

  • cobaltcupcake

    Maybe it's to show posts from apostate web sites where we've quoted from letters to the BOE and the Shepherding book accompanied by a stern warning not to leak info. I'm sure the Borg is quite vexed that but don't want any of the elders to actually look up those sites. Heavens, they might have their eyes opened!

  • wannabefree
  • 88JM

    I've read that thread, but I don't remember any mention of there being a GB member? Maybe they sort of introduce the "situation" videos at the start?

  • trillaz

    Probably the video projectors were used so that the service meeting that was dedicated to showing the flock how to use jw.org could be displayed.

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