"Emergency KM School?"

by Kensho 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    *sigh* I used to fall for this crap all the time. Something special is going to be covered in the talk! How exciting! Then we'd get the same lukewarm information spewed out.

    I remember our congregation was invited to some kind of meeting in Michigan. I don't remember what they called it, but only some congregations got to go. I think it was the October after 911, so meeting in a large arena was really a pain. There were a lot of security measures and we met at the Silver Dome (I think that's what it's called---not a sports fan---and I think they tore it down soon after). Anyway, we got to book our own hotels, and they offered no discounts for that or parking---we were on our own---which was just fine with me. We went with a friend that booked travel for many executives in her company, and she did WAY better than the WTS could have done.

    Oh but how exciting! We were like ambassadors! We would be learning things and sharing them with those that didn't get invited!

    It turned out to be nothing more than a half day convention. HUGELY disappointing. I kept waiting for IT. The heavy hitters would take the stage, and I would think, this is IT! I don't know what IT was, I just craved for something deep or new. IT never came, and I was really irritated that I had travelled only to be assaulted with one extra SA for the year.

    There will be no IT at the emergency meeting. It's a mind game.


    I`ve been to more Special Meetings than I care to remember..

    JW`s would get sooooooo excited..

    Everyone would be Talking/Speculating..

    It was always about Nothing..

    A Total..

    .......................... ... OUTLAW

  • steve2

    I don't know about your country, but in New Zealand, supermarkets have "specials" all the time; these are "bargains" (i.e., reduced rate, cheaper grocery items).

    It would not be unreasonable to conclude that when the GB announces yet another "special' meeting, what they mean is quite the opposite of what many JWs conclude:

    Cut-rate, cheap-shot occasions to entice the captive rank and file to buy more "exciting bargains from the platform.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Hey Ladies,

    I've got an invitation for you to an emergency meeting.....

    ....in my pants.


    Mr. Falcon

  • undercover

    Oh, Severus, you naughty boy you...

  • steve2

    It is discrimnatory - and worthy of protest - to limit invitations to only one gender.

  • elderelite

    i disagree steve... it should be one gender only. Women. And they should report back to the rest of us with baited breath only to tell us ... "we'll most of it is confidential"

  • ronwashington

    I don't know if it's an emergency but it is unusual. The last KM school in my area just used local elders and the CO for talks. For this one, they sent a DO from 12 hours away. He's actually staying with my parents for several weeks doing schools in the region. I'm not sure why they had to send someone from so far away. I'll see what info I can get from my dad since he should be going to the school as well.

  • Kensho

    I just figured out the need to purchase projectors!

    Thay are going to show examples of the type of porn that would require deletion as a MS or Elder...some visuals are always good teaching tools, brillant!


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The friends hear the word "Emergency" and their minds spin like a Vegas Slot Machine! I hate how Witnesses think fellow Witnesses have special insights in to the mind of Jehovah God.

    Perhaps at the "Emergency Kingdom School" they could introduct Witnesses to Jesus Christ of the Nazarenes? Witneses are fearful of Jesus Christ because he offers them freedom they wish to hand over to men.

    Four years ago do you remember when elders were traveling to Bethel to receive the Holy Spirit from the Governing Body? The first two brothers to go walked around like Bantam Roosters, bragging of the special priveldge of hearing secret insights about Jehovah.

    The Kingdom Schools were a failure, almost everyone who went to those schools does not practice what the Society admonished them to do!

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