What attracted you to the Watchtower?

by Christ Alone 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • tootired2care

    The whole not dying at Armaggedon and living forever concept did have a lot of appeal for me, until I realized it was all BS.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Raised in.

    Somehow that seems better than having converted.

    Still, I have to wonder, why did it take me so long to see TTATT?


  • minimus

    my mother

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Did anyone research it before coming in?

  • mythreesons

    Born into the cult here too!

    Funny thing though is both my wife and I said when we would go door to door...'we would never have chosen this faith if our parents and grandparents hadn't!'

    Research it we would have, it would have been obvious that it was a mind control group/ cult and we would have said 'NO THANKS!'

  • tootired2care

    I remember expressing some doubts, and my dad said: "son you need to prove the truth to yourself", the problem is, is anyone really going to do that the age of 15 when the only resource available to you is self referencing dogma?

  • Heaven

    Nothing. Was born in.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    I remember expressing some doubts, and my dad said: "son you need to prove the truth to yourself", the problem is, is anyone really going to do that the age of 15 when the only resource available to you is self referencing dogma?

    aint that the truth?

    i had some atheist leanings early on at one point, but then i looked around and thought to myself that for some reason, a lot of people believe in some sort of god. they can't all be wrong...right? coupled with a little pascal's wager and there ya go...

    toss in the guilt tripping for not studying and reading the rags and you have a recipe for indoctrination.

  • Nice_Dream

    Exactly tootired2care, I had doubts at 16 thanks to that purple interlinear Bible, but had to shove them aside. There wasn't really the Internet to check things out as much as you can today.

    How sneaky the witnesses are telling newly studying ones that "Satan" might try and attack them or give them doubts when they are first learning the "truth." When my parents were first studying they got a lot of flack from family and chalked it up to "persecution." the only reason my parents studied was because my Gradmother was kind of a witness and they wanted to raise my sister and me with good morals. I wish they had picked another church.

  • steve2

    um, my parents - who themselves were raised in the Watchtower by their parents - raised me and my siblings in the Watchtower.

    Attraction had nuttin' to do with it, mate....

    You should ask those of us raised in it, what attracted us to the real world? In my case, my brain cells were - and remain - way too active for swallowing the Watchtower's - or indeed any 'bible-believers'- dreary faith-based fairy stories. That, and the food's far tastier on the outside.

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