Health - has anyone else suffered long lasting health effects from years with the Borg?

by Chariklo 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    depression, since childhood but didn't know it

    Same here.

    I didn't get diagnosed until my mid 20s when I finally realised that not everyone saw the world with the same gloom as I did.

  • d

    I am also a lot more angry at people and just society.

  • Jadeen

    How about being actively discouraged from working out? In high school, I was asked to join track and field and volleyball when classmates saw how I did in phy ed. Had to turn them down, since it would "distract from meetings and service". So I started running, just because I liked it and heard more of the same after people saw me in my neighborhood.

    Now I'm trying to get back into fitness and it's hard. I should have just ignored those gossiping idiots.

  • designs

    Things improved actually, gave up alcohol the year I left and have been sober for 12 years. Other than just getting older with its expected stuff its been ok.

  • Glander

    I spent so many years sitting on metal folding chairs, usually fawn in color, that I have almost no assa'tal.

  • wannaexit

    I know of some that put off braces. Now they cant afford to have their teeth fixed.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Congrats designs!!

  • fakesmile

    a bit of depression but some hella public speaking skills... to bad i was discouraged from becoming a politician.

  • zeb

    Jadeen you have PM.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Glander said- "I have almost no assa'tal."

    Is that anything like Geritol? I think you can get some at the pharmacy!

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