Psychics fail test in controlled setting

by EntirelyPossible 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    What about Edgar Casey?

    Purported psychic abilities

    Cayce has variously been referred to as a "prophet" (cf. Jess Stearn's book, The Sleeping Prophet), a "mystic" and a "seer". While giving a reading for a seeker he at times referred to consulting the Akashic Record (the etheric imprint) of that soul's experience.

    Cayce's methods involved lying down and entering into a sleep state, usually at the request of a subject who was seeking help with health or other personal problems (subjects were not usually present). The subject's questions would then be given to Cayce, and Cayce would proceed with a reading. At first these readings dealt primarily with the physical health of the individual; later readings on past lives, business advice, dream interpretation, and mental or spiritual health were also given.

    Until September 1923, his readings were not systematically preserved. However, an October 10, 1922, Birmingham Post-Herald article quotes Cayce as saying that he had given 8,056 readings as of that date and it is known that he gave approximately 13,000-14,000 readings after that date. Today, only about 14,000 are available at Cayce headquarters and online. Thus, it appears that about 7,000-8,000 Cayce readings are missing.

    When out of the trance he entered, Cayce said he generally did not remember what he had said during the reading. The unconscious mind, according to Cayce, has access to information which the conscious mind does not — a common assumption about hypnosis in Cayce's time. After Gladys Davis became Cayce's secretary on September 10, 1923, all readings were preserved and his wife, Gertrude Evans Cayce, generally guided the readings.

    Cayce said that his trance statements should be taken into account only to the extent that they led to a better life for the recipient. Moreover, he invited his audience to test his suggestions rather than accept them on faith.

    Other abilities that have been attributed to Cayce include astral projection, prophesying, mediumship, viewing the Akashic Records or "Book of Life", and seeing auras. Cayce said he became interested in learning more about these subjects after he was informed about the content of his readings, which he reported that he never actually heard himself. [23]

  • Chariklo

    By and large, attempts to prove scientifically the validity of anything in this area do not work out.

    I don't think it necessarily disproves any of these disciplines, because science just isn't equipped to deal with so intangible a subject.

    the only esoteric subject that did gain some kind of validation, some years ago, was a statistical test on some basic astrology, when it was found that predicted personality traits and gifts across a number of people did come out according to astrologers' expectations. But astrology is based on mathematics and astronomy. It isn't psychic.

  • cofty

    science just isn't equipped to deal with so intangible a subject

    Science is the perfect tool to investigate claims of psychic abilities.

    astrology is based on mathematics and astronomy

    It really isn't - it is complete and utter unmitigated nonsense.

    It is as related to astronomy and maths as phrenology is related to neuroscience.

  • NewChapter

    I think it is pretty clear cut. Ask a question---if the answer if wrong it failed. This is something we can measure, and when we do, we find that psychics have no more foreknowledge than regular folk. That's not too complicated.

    Somebody posted a video about some psychic that Montel always has on, and the tragic consequences of her failed predictions. I think that says a lot---it's not just a fun past time where people giggle over getting their palms read at a party---but some people put a lot of faith in this, and it has caused a lot of emotional damage and huge losses in resources (as when cops dig up earth and search large areas that are wrong).

  • Soledad

    NC the psychic you are referring to is Sylvia Browne.

    Now, I'm not defending her at all, but what tragic consequences are you talking about?

    The worst she has done as far as I know was tell a couple that their son was dead but then he was found alive.

    is there some other prediction she made which has caused this same kind of news?

  • shamus100

    I can prove that psychic abilities exist.

    What am I thinking right now?

  • cofty

    The worst she has done as far as I know was tell a couple that their son was dead but then he was found alive.
    That's bad enough is it not?
  • moshe

    15 years ago you could find want adv's for psychics in the LA newpaper-- they said "no experience needed, will train"- My daughter worked on one of those 800 number call in lines- she was just trained to keep them talking and keep the $1/minute meter running-

    this is what she found out--hispanic woman typically called to find out if their boyfriend/husband was cheating on them, black woman called to find out, when they were going to die and was so and so going to get out of jail and white women called to find out if they were going to get rich-lottery, marriage, inheritance, etc-

    Men were too hard to keep on the line- they wanted quick answers or they hung up.

  • Soledad

    Sure it is cofty I'm not suggesting it isn't. I'm just presenting a well known situation regarding that particular psychic (Browne).

    I'm asking if there are any other instances of tragic consequences that I may be ignorant of. We're supposed to be backing up our claims here, right?

  • jgnat

    It is as related to astronomy and maths as phrenology is related to neuroscience.


    Alchemy to chemistry.

    In the scientific lexicon, if it cannot be repeated under controlled conditions, it is not true.

    ...and for those who think such mistaken beliefs are harmless, consider the depradation on grizzlies (bear gall bladder, virility) and rhinoseros (horn, cancer prevention).

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