My wifes affair of over 20 years with local elder!

by ukexjw 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Welcome to the board. I sympathise with your predicament, you must feel totally betrayed by these people who you thought were ‘loving shepherds’.

    Share your thoughts here…it will help.

  • ukexjw

    Thank you all for your kind comments, even when the Organisation and people you have associated with for all your life turn their back on you there is a bigger source of comfort outside of the WTS. I will keep you posted on any developments over the next few weeks and I am considering naming and shaming all the guilty parties. The hypocrisy within the organisation is bigger than any of us can imagine if an elder can lie for 25 years to his wife and family, congregation, circuit of brothers and continue as Jehovah’s appointed shepherd how much cheating and lying is going on within the congregations. I honestly believe that being a JW brings you closer to people who in any other walk of life you would not associate with, this creates jealousy, hatred, adultery, gossiping, it is not the loving way Jesus commanded people to live their lives. If you want to live in the gutter than be a JW because that is what it is Satan’s gutter.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    welcome and love to you x
    please name and shame- they do.

  • PopeOfEruke

    These evil elders are everywhere.

    I remember a young sister who moved to our congregation and she was pregnant with her own fathers child! The father had been a Cong. servant for years and had been sexually and physically abusing his children all the years as Overseer, WT Study conductor, etc.

    He was DF'ed finally when his daughter got pregnant. Bit hard to cover that one up!

    I heard stories of him kicking his sons with his meeting shoes in the head or body while they were on the floor at home, then going to the meeting and doing the WT study!

    Nothing surprises me anymore after this....

    The Pope

  • Beans

    Welcome and we wish you all the best! Stick around you wont be dissapointed!!!


  • chezza

    All i can say i sympathize with you and wish you the very best.

  • ozziepost

    G'day ukexjw and welcome aboard!

    We're always glad to have new 'faces' here and all are welcome. (Doesn't that sound like one of the old handbills? ! )

    Unfortunately we haven't been able to get to know of your situation in earlier times so we can only take your 'case' on face value. As it stands, no wonder you are feeling angry and betrayed. Your account shows that all those with whom you have had an association these past 38 years have shown themselves to be 'fair weather friends'. Why is this, do you think? Could it be that the friends we have within the Organisation are really just associates, since their friendship is merely conditional? That's what thousands have found, too.

    The advice you have been given here is very appropriate, sepecially the advice to walk away, no matter the hurt. Better the hurt now, than later.

    I'm curious about one thing that doesn't seem to be clear to me. What exactly were you DF for? You say "covering over my wife's sins". This doesn't seem reasonable to me. Was that EXACTLY why you were DF?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • bluesapphire

    (((((UKEXJW))))) You are not alone. We are here for you!

  • Farkel


    Thank you for sharing. I'm skeptical.

    But don't worry. That's just my way. Nothing personal. I wish you the best.


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