£150,000,000 Jehovahs Witnesses HQ approved

by defender of truth 37 Replies latest social current

  • konceptual99
    Be prepared to see Bethel homes become cheaper per square metre. Right now these things are not saleable - who wants to buy big accommodation blocks? They need to be cheaper to build as it's the land they sit on that has the value. This is another area where outside contractors are useful - they know how to build stuff like this to a price.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The Watchtower can't turn a profit on their printed material so now real estate investments and capitalization of a cheap indoctrinated labor force seems to be the new direction forced upon them to maintain financial solvency and turn a profit bottom line, and serving Jehovah is just a selling tool to keep the money coming in as they control his vocal cords with their hands up his ass.

    They are buying and selling real estate to milk the rank and file for every thing they can get out of them in free labor and more contributions.

  • sparrowdown

    Why do they even need these monuments to the God Barons?

    Is it so they can say my bethel is bigger than your mosque?

  • JWdaughter
    A lot of workers considering how few things are actually printed these days. Is that for the whole freaking world worth of printing-cause there are less than 140, 000 JWs in Britain.
  • JWdaughter
    It will be interesting to learn who owns the outside contractors. One JW could make a lot of profit on a job like this, even if he hired non JW professionals. Giving the jobs to JW contractors with the right skills and employees could have other implications. . . buts that is just me being suspicious.
  • zeb
    No under cover walk ways. Havent they noticed it rains in the UK and snows. Go back to your drawing board!
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    140, 000 JWs in Britain.

    £150,000,000 that more than a 1000 a piece.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    I think the Brit JWs should get ready for some congregation bank account robberies from Jehovah Chariot via the WT corporation and expect individual R&F pledge drives to pay for this.
  • Phizzy

    Has anyone asked the JW's why they need this place, at such a huge expense ?

    I know you will get the answer "Because the Preaching work is expanding" or similar, but we know the truth, that it is contracting, they are printing less and less, and going door to door far less frequently, and their numbers are falling.

    Why the need for all that accommodation ?

    There are lots of questions I would love to get an accurate and truthful answer to, getting such answers from a JW is probably impossible of course.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Konceptual and Dozy good stuff.

    This serves several purposes - stops the risk of any possible schism occuring ( such as in Spain or Ireland )

    Dozy (not so dozy), Can you elaborate on the schisms you referred to? They have escaped me.

    Some people who have been working on the site report a very strange atmosphere. The volunteers are working at half speed, much slower than anyone would work in order to earn a living. Bear in mind that they are giving up an income in favour of having to work at zombie speed for no pay. They also cannot see how 900 building volunteers are going to be accommodated.

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