Post a message to Sharon Roe(Janet Bryant's sister

by seven006 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWrobot

    Dear Sharon,
    My heart goes out to you and your family for the harsh pain your confronted with.May the Lord strengthen you.God bless you.

  • Seven

    Dear Sharon,

    You have our deepest sympathy at the loss of your sister and her family. Be assured that we are here for you, to share your pain and grief and to assist you any way. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


  • siegswife

    ((((Sharon)))) I'm so very sorry for what has happened to your sister and her family.
    Although I've been out for years, it's only been in the past half year or so that I've come to realize just how destructive the WTS is. It's hard for people who are isolated in their own destruction, as your brother in law was. He was probably afraid to investigate and find out if his doubts were well founded. If he had, perhaps things wouldn't have turned out so tragically.

    I'm not very good at this...I pray you have peace.


  • SloBoy

    Dear Sharon,
    My wife and I were stunned and saddened by this news. We met Robert at his brother's wedding a number of years ago.I can only occasionally dwell on the horror of this mind-numbing tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You said it well "if you are having a problem, it's o.k. to ask for(and receive) help". I am so very grateful that when I was disfellowshipped I had a loving,caring support group to turn to. There are many and varied, qualified mental health/social counselors out there. Perhaps this site may help too. May you have peace. May God Bless.

  • cellomould


    Please accept my condolances. You and your family will be in my thoughts.


    "Money walks through the door, and memory flies out the window" Dream Theater, 6:00

  • LoneWolf

    Hello, my sister.

    What does one say in the face of such circumstances? There are no words that are adequate.

    Perhaps it would be better to approach matters from another direction. In spite of the catastrophic events, the training that we have had since childhood still raises doubts in our hearts and leaves us with insecurity. Could the Society still be right in spite of the events? Are we wrong in maintaining the position that we have? Is it wrong to even question what they say? Our hearts scream NO!!! But still, down deep . . .

    I'm thinking that perhaps the best gift I could give you would be the assurance that your brother-in-law was not wrong in questioning what he was taught, nor are the doubts that have led you to pull away from the Organization mean that you are wicked. What the Society has done is to drive a good man so far into desperation that he knew of no other way out. They are guilty of murder, just as surely as if they themselves were pulling the trigger. I'll get to that assurance in a moment.

    I too, am an Oregonian. I live in Cottage Grove, about 18 miles south of Eugene. Counting my Great, great uncles Manton, who provided the different colored inks for the Society's printing activities 100 years ago, I am a forth generation Witness. My first time card was in December of 1946, when I was six years old. I was baptised in 1955, and was disfellowshipped about 15 years ago for something that I didn't do. Even the Society's representatives themselves (much higher than mere elders) admit that it was an injustice. I have over 100 relatives in the faith, including my wife and six children.

    I've had it all thrown at me. But there was a difference here. I struck back every time they threw something at me, and did so in such a way that they have become afraid to mess with me, for they always lost, usually in a way that mortified them.

    Some time back some special elders moved into this congregation. (On my account, I hope ) One in particular, Ernie Garrett, is one of the Society's trouble-shooters. He brought in a series of very high ranking officials from Brooklyn Bethel to give talks in this congregation. One was a lawyer from the legal department by the name of Olds.

    They were friendly to my wife and children, and through them a few overtures were sent my way. The following is the Internet address of the letter that I sent to him. I'm hoping that in some way it will relieve some of the doubt and insecurity you must be feeling.

    Should you wish to talk, you would be more than welcome. My telephone number is (541) 946-1231. My email is open and the address is [email protected]

    Keep your chin up, kid. We care, big time.

    Tom Howell

  • deddaisy

    Sharon, I don't know of any words that are adequate for such a deep loss. I do remember when looking at a picture of your sister in the paper, thinking how beautiful she was and how she could have easily been my sister, and it seems alot of people feel that way. Alot of people have been touched by your loss. I hope it in some way is healing to know that many will learn a lesson of love from your sister and her family.

    Praying that one day soon you'll be able to think of her and smile.
    Love Always, T

  • Reborn2002

    Dear Sharon-

    Certain occasions arise in life when no words spoken or written are powerful enough or meaningful enough to truly convey your feelings or absorb the magnitude of the situation.

    This is one of those moments.

    I, like everyone else here, am sorry for what has happened. My heart truly aches for you, for I know what it is like to lose someone you love, and what it is like to deal with Jehovah's Witnesses in your own family who abide by their "shunning" policy.

    The Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witness Organization lies, deceives, manipulates, and controls it's members to the very brink of insanity. Unfortunately it takes something this tragic for most people to take notice or even care.

    You will find most of the individuals on this website share a common bond with you. We have all either lost a loved one, wasted years of our own lives, or suffered psychological anguish at the hands of men. The love and condolences you receive here are genuine, and from the heart.

    If you ever need someone to talk to, I will sacrifice time anyday to listen and be of emotional support in this dire time of need.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers, and remember you are NOT alone.

    With All My Love,


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