Post a message to Sharon Roe(Janet Bryant's sister

by seven006 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    Sharon like her sister Janet was also raised a JW. She left the religion three years ago just about the same time as Robert and Janet. Her husband is not a JW but did attend the occasional meeting. Sharon is still of the Christian persuasion and is feeling a bit isolated after leaving the religion. I do not think she has visited any websites like this one or knows very many exJWs.

    I thought it might be nice for those who would like to say something to her to do so in a thread and I will print them out and mail them to her. I think right now she needs to know that there are many exJW's who care about her. She already knows the feelings of the JW's about all of this. I get the feeling she is in quite a state of shock and possibly a bit depressed.

    I think some encouraging words coming from exJW's from around the world might lift her spirits.She told Jeb that she is ready to meet some apostates now and I couldn't think of a better bunch of evil apostates to help her do just that.

    Post your notes to Sharon and her family below. Make them as long as you want, I have a lot of paper for my printer.

    Take care


  • LDH


    I'll bite, I guess, and be the first evil apostate to post.

    It's just that I don't know what to say. The word "SORRY" means nothing in a situation like this. It's just not enough.

    I can't imagine what you are going through, and I wish I were nearer to you so I could offer support in person.

    One of the worst things a human can experience is the cutting off of family support at a time when it's needed most.

    I guess I can invite you to Simon's forum to rant and rage or simply post your feelings with confidence that the XJWs are the one group who can empathise with your situation.


  • NeonMadman

    Sharon, there are many of us who care about you and wish you well. The Watchtower is an evil organization run by corrupt men, and nothing they do can interfere with your relationship with the Lord. Don't ever forget that. Jesus loves you, no matter what, and HE is the way, the truth and the life, not any organization of men.


    "At midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out and round up everyone that knows more than they do..." ---Bob Dylan
  • plmkrzy

    What exactly Do you say? I can only imajine what your day's must be like right now. I am very sorry about what has happened to your family. The only thing I can think to say that would be fitting is to tell you that you are not alone. A lot of folks are thinking of you right now. I hope knowing that brings you some comfort.
    from Janiece and family.

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • JeffT


    My thoughts and prayers are with you in this most difficult time. I cannot comprehend your grief.

    Please know that there are many of us out here that care about you and your family. I am a Christian, it is my sincere up that you will not allow the unscriptural and self-righteous practices of a group of men to turn you away from the Lord.

    I hope this offers you some comfort, I'm finding that words fail me at the moment.


    Jeff Thomas

  • mouthy

    Sharon... Many of us Have shed tears for you.You must be feeling so sad.This is an Ex JW site-But it teams with LOVE from many on it.
    Just know -The WatchTowers" doings" are not "done in a corner" they will have to stand before the throne..( I believe).
    We are told God examines the heart. If man spoke so well of your brother( I read many wonderful things about him)We know that God sees
    his heart, I have a feeling you will see him again.
    God be with you as you go through this valley of the shadow of death.
    Just keep that "silver thread( prayer) open between you & Gods Son
    Jesus the name above all others God Bless .Grace

  • Angharad


    Words cannot come close to expressing how sorry we are that this tradgedy happened. There are many people thinking of you right now, and who are here to support you.

    Love Angharad

  • DB

    Hello Sharon,

    I am currently a Witness and have read about this whole matter with a great deal of interest.

    The folks who post here are indeed very sypmathetic to you and your situation. Though I am a JW, I can, perhaps in some small way, appreciate how your brother-in-law might have felt. I saw a similar situation here, in which a brother who was reproved, though not disfellowshiped, cut out of a business partnership by another JW. Yes, I find the whole shunning thing distateful, and at times, it appears to be motivated, not by love, but by spitefulness, in an effort to punish the estranged one with guilt perhaps.

    May you find consolation from the words and actions of those who are with you during this terribly stressful time. Take care, DB

  • WildHorses


    I am so sorry for the loss of your sister and her family. Please know that there are many out here who are sharing your pain along with you.

    I only hope that time will ease your pain and help you get through this.

    With much love, Shari

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • seven006


    Just because Sharon is still a Christian doesn't mean she wouldn't love to hear from all you non-Christian exJW's also. I'm not a Christian but I still play nice with them in the sandbox. Come on you heathens, show her what were made of.

    I will wait until Monday or Tuesday to print out this thread. All you infrequent posters and those who are borderline closet exJW's should also tell her how you feel. This is a chance to show some real compassion for someone who has gone through one of the toughest times having to deal with the results of JW's so called true Christian love.


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