Books to study before baptism

by QueenWitch 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Caminante

    @ColdSteel: The Truth book was first released in 1968 and revised 1981, replaced by the Live Forever book in 1982.

  • QueenWitch

    Thanks Caminate!

  • blondie

    My mother studied the Let God Be True book (1946)...2 editions...the WTS did not start a one on one study program until 1937 and it did not really take off until the early 40's.

  • BluesBrother

    Unsure of the dates but here are some titles of more recent study books, with most recent first :

    "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" and “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love.”

    Prior to that "Worship the Only True God"

    "Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life"

    "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth" and "United in Worship of the Only True God." .

  • steve2

    When I was thinking about baptism, there were 2 books that were required reading:

    "'The Truth' That Will Lead You Up the Garden Path" and "You Can Lead an Enjoyable & Rewarding Life Right Now in the Current System of Things".

    Unfortunately, I got the titles mixed up and instead read the Watchtower publications "The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life" and "You Can Live Forever on a Paradise Earth".

    I was sucked in and got baptized.

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